抹茶味的盖子 33:26:25 【公开课】【含自动字幕】CMU计算机必修课 15-213: Introduction to Computer Systems(2017年秋季) theBlueLotus丨 【强烈推荐】深入理解计算机系统 - 原书作者授课视频 (更新完毕) fengmuzi2003 【CSAPP-深入理解计算机系统】6-2. 机械磁盘 ...
第1章是计算机系统漫游,核心就是讲清楚一个程序是如何编译运行起来的,以及如何将程序转换为字节码;介绍了可执行文件的组成、链接的过程和链接器的作用;阐述了系统的层次结构和抽象,硬件和软件之间的互动。 第2章《信息的表示与处理》是关于二进制的,这部分内容会在数字逻辑这类课里学到,都比较熟悉,但是csapp里...
Course Theme: Abstraction Is Good But Don’t Forget Reality Great Reality #1: Ints are not Integers, Floats are not Reals 首先讨论数字、数字的表示和属性 Great Reality #2: You’ve Got to Know Assembly 获取编译器的汇编代码,阅读并理解它 Great Reality #3: Memory Matters Random Access Memory ...
另外,第一学期重在打基础,基础不好的同学还可以选这两门mini course来补一下:17-681 Java for Ap...
Of course, only one thread should be permitted to write to the cache at a time, but that restriction must not exist for readers. (读写者锁) You may want to explore options such as partitioning the cache, using Pthreads readers-writers locks, or using semaphores to implement your own ...
第7章-链接第8章-异常第9章-虚拟内存第10章-系统级I/O——暂跳过第11章-网络编程第12章-并发编程 本文作者:OhOfCourse 本文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/OhOfCourse/p/16986864.html 版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 关注我 收藏该文 0 0 ...
USTC-Course /计算机系统详解(csapp) / / Directory actions More options Failed to load latest commit information. Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History History This branch is86 commits behindUSTC-Resource/USTC-Course:master....
🎓🐳 Build Environment And Lab Assignments of the Introduction to Computer Systems course, CMU 15-213 dated 2015 Fall computer-sciencearchitecturecsappicscomputer-architecturecmu15213 UpdatedNov 17, 2019 C 哈工大2021春计算机系统(HIT-CSAPP)资料(课件/实验/大作业/期末复习资料) ...
I ran into the following code in an old exam of the C course I'm taking: I have no idea what the syntax "char q1:1" means, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere in "The C Programm...DI with constructor injection: Am I injecting too many services? Using Castle Windsor fo...
【第1集】Lecture 01 Course Overview字幕版001(上) 译 【第2集】Lecture 01 Course Overview字幕版001(中) 译 【第3集】Lecture 01 Course Overview字幕版001(下) 译 【第4集】Lecture 03 Bits, Bytes, and Integers cont(上) 译 【第5集】Lecture 03 Bits, Bytes, and Integers cont(中) 译 ...