Combining Multi-classifier with CNN in Detection and Classification of Breast Calcification Kuan-Chun Chen,Chiun-Li Chin,Ni-Chuan Chung,... - 2020 - 被引量: 0 STATISTICAL DETECTION OF BREAST CANCER BY MAMMOGRAM IMAGE Shaik ...
3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been demonstrated to be a powerful tool in hyperspectral images (HSIs) classification. However, using the conventional 3D CNNs to extract the spectral–spatial feature for HSIs results in too many parameters as HSIs have plenty of spatial redundancy....
北京遗产律师:因部分继承人不认可老人遗嘱,我起诉强制继承案例 北京房产专业律师靳(jin)双权专业代理房产买卖、借名买房、遗产继承、确权、拆迁房产纠纷,腾退房屋、公房纠纷、央产房、军产房等重大房产案件。从业十九余年,带领专业房产法律团队,办理了大量房地产案件,积累了丰富的诉讼经验,现将这些案件改编为案例,希望可...