our large selection of local cheeses. A cheese subscription offers discounts on our more expensive cheeses. You can select a new cheese each week, or receive your favorite in every delivery. Our cheeses are sourced from Cassleman Creamery,Firefly Farms,Goot Essa, andSpring Gap Mountain Creamery....
“Everyone who is helping develop marketing channels that keep local farms in business deserves a place at the table. It’s just important to recognize that these are businesses, not community-run projects or social ventures,” said Just Food’s Berger. “CSA provides a greater social benefit ...
local/tips I’ve talked about this over and over on here, but one of my favorite ways to incorporate fresh produce into my meals is through my local Texas CSA delivery that I get bi-weekly. The fruits and vegetables are grown from local farms and when my “bushel” arrives, the content...
radishes aplenty, from fiddlehead farms in rosendale. french breakfast and big juicy rounds. and arugula from another farm plus g scapes, good in salads while still tender. thanks for a great blog and ideas for the kitchen from the garden nothing better than sweet butter, good clean ...
(from people who did not pick up all or part of their share). The bigger your membership, the more surplus you will have, but count on at least 10% leftover every week. Many farms donate this surplus to a food pantry or soup kitchen that is near the distribution site, and some ...
Due to the fact that an expansive vegetable garden and a chicken coop are not in my near future, we opted into a half vegetable share and a half egg share through our CSA, which is called Shared Legacy Farms. The half vegetable share means that we get about half the vegetables of a ...
I tried out a recipe for onion biscuits from a favorite cookbook of mine (Recipes from America’s Small Farms), but these were only okay. (I still highly recommend this cookbook.) Part of my frustration stems from the fact that I didn’t watch these carefully and they turned out a bit...
weeding, the boys also have a jar near by to put worms in. Not only do they like to use the worms as bait when we go fishing, but they simply think worms are cool. In addition, the ornamental corn is growing like crazy and a great place for Sam to sit to be shaded from the ...