如果你无法达到每秒240帧的FPS(Framerate Per Second)电竞标准,降低分辨率可以极大地提高你的FPS,并且有一个争论[https://prosettings.net/blog/60hz-vs-144hz-vs-240hz/],你想要绝对最大化你的帧率,即使你的帧率远高于显示器的刷新率。 降低纵横比的一个常见论点是,它可以帮助您“专注”更多地关注屏幕的重要...
Step 3: 打开游戏控制台 在设置界面的左侧菜单中找到 "游戏控制台"(Game Settings)选项,并点击打开。如果没有看到此选项,请确保已经开启了开发者控制台。 Step 4: 输入指令 在游戏控制台中,可以输入各种指令来修改游戏设置。在控制台中输入以下指令: mm_dedicated_search_maxping 100 mm_dedicated_search_maxping...
With the Red Bull Flick qualifiers now underway, some last-minute changes to your settings might help you grasp victory.
Click the Settings icon at the right side of the starting screen to enter it. Options here are divided into a few logical groups – just check them out and make your adjustments. Many convenient settings can be made here, but the functionality is rather limited. Through launch options. Open...
如果您想模拟某位职业玩家的敏感度,您可以随时查看我们的Pro Player Settings和Gear List。我们鼓励您计算自己的有效DPI。专业设置和齿轮列表 CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表CS:GO Pro设置和齿轮列表。这就是我们的数据,从而为您分析最常用的游戏外设和设备以及我们的竞争性设置指南。我们研究从DPI和eDPI,灵敏度,分辨率到...
2023-01-07 13:15回复 共4条回复, 点击查看 shy0324 prosettings 2023-01-02 19:14回复 我有九条鱼䲆鱻鱻Sorry 发错人了 2023-02-17 02:19回复 我有九条鱼䲆鱻鱻我看ropz 总监也是AMD的,但是niko zywoo 都是英特尔的 2023-02-17 02:18回复 目录...
your hand and these movements in the real world bring (hopefully) lots of kills in the virtual one. For beginners, the default mouse sensitivity is good enough to start feeling the game properly. After this you might need to adjust everything and look for your personal best CS:GO settings...
m_mousespeed 0 - additional acceleration elements; It is more convenient to adjust the sensitivity itself through the slider in the CS: GO settings, so that you can immediately test and find the optimal value for yourself. Many mice have their own programs for adjusting DPI and other parameters...
Flusha Mouse Settings Scoped Sensitivity0.88 Sensitivity For Mouse1.70 Mouse Polling Rate1000 Hz EDPI640 DPI400 Sensitivity For Window6 Flusha Configuration Flusha Crosshair Settings Flusha EXEC Flusha ViewModel Settings Flusha CS:GO Gaming Gear
运行Regedit 找:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam\source\cstrike\settings\ 然后再找:ScreenWidth 双击后输入数值:800 ScreenHeight 双击后输入数值:600 以上是XP系统下的修改方法,WIN7基本一样,找到相同名字的注册表项就行了。