三、学习过程 课程选择:笔者选择的是2020Fall的版本https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa20/(其他版本修改后缀即可)个人比较推荐的是20fa和21fa的版本,讲师都是John DeNero,John DeNero的发音标准,而且语速偏慢,不用太担心听不懂的问题。而且他的讲课也很有意思,笔者印象最深的是他在讲到data abstraction...
https://github.com/FyisFe/UCB-CS61A-20Fall(我曾经在里面找到过作业答案,时间不会完全对应,就比如说你这是lab05,他那可能是lab06)Python Tutor(平时自己可以多尝试尝试,尤其是学前面环境的时候,你后面代码跑不出来的时候也可以尝试一下,不过你学到树和链表的时候这个东西可能会比较丑)https://pythontutor.co...
视频的话老师会上手写代码,是课件PPT上没有的,还有Q&A视频 练习就更不用说了,练习Lab、理解练习DISC、加深练习HW、大项目练习Project全部做完 问题解决实践是计算机科学进步的关键。 每个人学习方法不同,有的人赶进度,有的人喜欢看Reading,有的不想看Reading,有的只做部分练习,这都无可厚非,纯属个人喜欢。 下图。
within yourcs61afolder, you have folders separating yourprojects,labassignments, andhomework. The next level is folders that separate different assignments,hw01,lab01,hog, etc., and inside those are the files themselves, including the starter files...
2021 fall cs61a hw05 网址https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/hw/hw05/#required-questions defgen_perms(seq):"""Generates all permutations of the given sequence. Each permutation is a list of the elements in SEQ in a different order. The permutations may be...
【完结🎉】UCB CS 61A: Computer Programs, Fall 2020 22.9万播放 Lecture 1. Computer Science 55:44 Lab 0. Setup 22:49 Lecture 2. Functions 49:42 Lecture 2. Q&A 38:56 Homework 1. Hints 22:43 Lecture 3. Control 57:10 Lecture 3. Q&A 39:08 Lecture 4. Higher-Order Functions 1:15:...
2021 fall cs61a hw05 摘要:网址 https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/hw/hw05/#required-questions def gen_perms(seq): """Generates all permutations of the given sequence. Eac阅读全文 posted @2022-04-01 13:52天然气之子阅读(533)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 ...
[2021-Fall] Hw05 of CS61A of UCB Q1: Generate Permutations Given a sequence of unique elements, apermutationof the sequence is a list containing the elements of the sequence in some arbitrary order. For example,[2, 1, 3],[1, 3, 2], and[3, 2, 1]are some of the permutations of...
Fall 2020video【click here】course website 【click here】 使用教程 P1Lecture 1. Computer Science 从【精准空降到 05:12】开始看 老师结合jupyter notebook展示代码介绍课程主要内容 教你如何以系统的、量化的、有逻辑的方式思考并处理问题 然后结合老师自己的研究内容给新手展示代码的魅力,尽力使学生对这门课感...
网址https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa20/lab/lab06/#topics problem124: this_file = __file__defmake_adder_inc(a):""" >>> adder1 = make_adder_inc(5) >>> adder2 = make_adder_inc(6) >>> adder1(2) 7 >>> adder1(2) # 5 + 2 + 1 ...