The Plantronics CS530 is a DECT wireless headset with an inconspicuous and lightweight over-the-ear design. It features secure DECT wireless technology, wideband audio, and excellent range and talk-time. The CS530 is compatible with a multitude of desk
Plantronics Cs530 Office Wireless Headset|Walgreens Work From Home Call Center|240° Rotatable Noise-Cancelling Boom Mic:Equipped with a 240° rotatable boom mic, this headset ensures clear calls and music with ENC noise reduction. Stable and Powerful Dual Connection:With Bluetooth 5.2 and dual devi...
Plantronics 86009-01 Telephone Cable Plantronics Headset Telephone Interface Cable Savi Cable 86009-01 86007-01 Cable Poly Savi 8210 8220 8240 8245 Telephone Cable Plantronics CS510 CS520 CS530 CS540 Cable Description: * 4 pin modular end * Connect the...
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Plantronics Cs530 Office Wireless Headset|Walgreens Work From Home Call Center|240° Rotatable Noise-Cancelling Boom Mic:Equipped with a 240° rotatable boom mic, this headset ensures clear calls and music with ENC noise reduction. Stable and Powerful Dual Connection:With Bluetooth 5.2 and dual devi...
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Plantronics 缤特力 CS 530 产品类别:进口耳机>美国缤特力Plantronics 已游览次数:562 次 联系鑫怡海 13808839925 联系销售人员 产品特征: 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网开心网更多 产品介绍规格参数使用指南售后服务人气组合英文介绍