If you’d like to learn more, I’ve written a dedicated article on the course:Harvard New Cybersecurity Course: How to Earn a Free Certificate. CS50’s Introduction to Databases (CS50SQL) CS50SQL uses the query language SQL to teach data management in relational databases. The course cove...
Toward term’s end, the course introduces SQL, via which you can store data in databases, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, via which you can create web and mobile apps alike. Course culminates in a final project. How to Take this Course Even if you are not a student at Harvard...
熟悉多种语言,包括 C、Python、SQL 和 JavaScript 以及 CSS 和 HTML 如何与来自不同经验水平、志同道合的学习者组成的充满活力的社区互动 如何开发并向同行展示最终的编程项目 Course description This is CS50x , Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art ...
通过Facebook维护的一个流行框架,了解一个有关移动应用程序开发的信息,该框架可以使用无Java或Swift的JavaScript启用跨平台本机应用程序。 https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50s-mobile-app-development-react-native?delta=0 10. Python数据科学简介 加入哈佛大学教练Pavlos Protopapas参加在线课程中,学习如何使用Python...
("Not enough funds available") uptd_cash = user_cash - transaction_value# update the SQL databasedb.execute("UPDATE users SET cash = ? WHERE id = ?", uptd_cash, user_id) date = datetime.datetime.now() db.execute("INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, symbol, shares, price, date) ...
s and t are both pointing at the letter E of 'Emma'. that is to say that s and t are pointing at the same location in memory. so when t[0] is capitalized, s[0] is, of course, the same and therefore also capitalized.
这门课程由哈佛知名教授 David J. Malan主讲,主要教学生如何有效地进行算法思考和解决问题。课程主题包括算法、数据结构、封装、资源管理、安全、软件工程和Web 开发。涉及的计算机语言包括 C语言、Python、SQL 和JavaScript 以及 CSS 和 HTML。 课程包括了9个习题集,也就是编程作业,学生如果完成了所有课程,在作业和...
Code Issues Pull requests CS50 Intro to Database with SQL course. sql database sqlite3 cs50 harvardcs50 cs50problemsets cs50problemsetssolved Updated Dec 4, 2023 Python cypherm0nk / cs50w-chat Star 11 Code Issues Pull requests CS50W - Project2 Chat python flask flask-application ha...
5 ⌨️ Lecture 4 - Memory 6 ⌨️ Lecture 5 - Data Structures 7 ⌨️ Lecture 6 - Python 8 ⌨️ Lecture 7 - SQL 9 ⌨️ Lecture 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript 10 ⌨️ Lecture 9 - Flask 11 ⌨️ Lecture 10 - Emoji 12 ⌨️ Cybersecurity Class...
http://cs50.tv/2015/fall/#about,seminars Introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. This course teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource ...