真不错,很强大,借助他人的肩膀,接下来是解决一个更近期的问题,让我转到一个不同的目录,在那里我有一个先进的,你可以的网站,一个叫 speller。pi,长话短说。 speller。pi 是将 C 转换为 Python 的一个翻译,呃,speller。c 的代码。请回忆一下,那是分发代码的一部分,用于问题集五,在 speller。c 中我们将其...
You may not alter speller.c or Makefile. You may alter dictionary.c (and, in fact, must in order to complete the implementations of load, hash, size, check, and unload), but you may not alter the declarations (i.e., prototypes) of load, hash, size, check, or unload. You may, ...
{//TODO: Improve this hash functionreturntoupper(word[0]-'A'); }//Loads dictionary into memory, returning true if successful, else falseboolload(constchar*dictionary) {//TODOFILE *dic = fopen(dictionary,"r");if(dic ==NULL){returnfalse; }charc;intindex =0;intn =0;chardic_word[LENGT...
问speller.c - CS50中的故障分割EN我目前正在开发pset5 of CS50,但是我仍然停留在需要完成的第一个...
!= 3) { printf("Usage: speller [dictionary] text\n"); return 1; } // structs for timing data struct rusage before after; // benchmarks double time_load = 0.0, time_check = 0.0, time_size = , time_unload = 0.0; // determine dictionary touse char* dictionary = ...
./speller texts/lalaland.txt Output: MISSPELLED WORDS Segmentation fault Did someone come across CS50 pset5 and could me? For further information please refer to:https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2020/psets/5/speller/ I have watched the walkthroughs many times and also went through the shorts, ...
对此,Guzdial 则在文中指出,当这个领域还处于比较早期的阶段的时候,这种想法或许是正确的。但那是在 ...
1.在load中,当table[n]是NULL时,* 没有 * 需要有特殊情况,所以我们可以简化它。1.虽然我没有...