The article reports that the the periodical "Convenience Store News" along with BP PLC was named a finalist in the William D. Littleford Awards for Corporate Community service competition, sponsored by American Business Media for its coverage of the oil company's commitment to environmental and soc...
2019 年秋季,斯坦福大学计算机科学与电子工程系的助理教授 Chelsea Finn 开了一门关于深度多任务和元学习的课程,受到了广大学生的欢迎。今天,该课程的系列教学视频终于上线了! 今日,斯坦福大学助理教授 Chelsea Finn 发推表示其主讲的 CS330 深度多任务和元学习系列课程视频可以线上观看了。 CS330 系列课程视频链接:...