The CS2day Collaborative was formed by 9 separate organizations with a common goal of increasing smoking quit rates through health care professional education. To better understand the factors that influence successful collaboration, the authors applied criteria established by the Wilder Foundation to the...
@铲屎官粥粥 - 关注 赞 评论 济南南部山区仲宫大山深处,天帘山悬崖峭壁、群山叠嶂,爬山徒步 胜地#户外 #登上山顶看美景 #户外徒步登山 当广东天气遇上跳楼机 #跳楼机 #内容过于真实 @粤知一二 狗狗不慎掉入脏脏的河道中,挖掘机师傅用前斗小心“打捞”,网友:好温暖的一只“大手” 张蔷说女生就要有小肚子,为了...