His CS2 pro settings reflect such a style.Launch OptionsDoesn’t have launch options.Mouse SettingsDPI: 400 Sensitivity: 1.8 eDPI: 720 Zoom Sensitivity: 1 Hz: 4000 Windows Sensitivity: 4ViewmodelFOV: 68 Offset X: 2.5 Offset Y: 0 Offset Z: -1.5 Presetpos: 2...
bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_fov 68" bind "7" "toggle viewmodel_presetpos 3 1" bind "b" "buymenu" bind "c" "toggle cl_righthand 0 1" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "+lookatweapon" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "noclip" bind "l" "+spray_men...
►DPI:800 SENS:1.25 eDPI:1000 ZOOM SENS:1 ►Resolution: 1280x960 4:3 拉伸►cfg来源:https://prosettings.net/players/donk/ ►Viewmodel(由于demo bug可能导致持枪视角不准确):viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2...
Fixed a case where the viewmodel weapon w 来自csgo吧 凌依li😘 kycrazyone07-18 109 CS2终于更新啦!!过年咯! 新箱子、新胶囊、新音乐套件、新地图、新游戏模式 来自csgo吧 贴吧用户_QCt4Nb7 多谢乌蝇哥▫02-08 14 cs2今日将更新 cs2要更新了,几分钟之前,更新啥还未知 继续优化?新箱子?拭...
Added the "Secondary Fire Hold" option to the input settings menuThe halftime countdown timer is now visibleFixed a case where the camera would not interpolate correctly when switching between chase and roaming spectator modes.Fixed a case where the viewmodel weapon would disappear for one frame ...
800 SENS:1.25 eDPI:1000 ZOOM SENS:1 ►Resolution: 1280x960 4:3 拉伸►cfg来源:https://prosettings.net/players/donk/ ►Viewmodel(由于demo bug可能导致持枪视角不准确):viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2#cs2 #...
#cs 1.5、1.6到#cs2 的三个#游戏 版本变化,其实1.5真的很细节。旧版本致敬青春,新版本展望未来,还能再战!#反恐精英 #游戏日常 00:00 / 02:13 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞196 V5item8月前CS停留在d段位怎么打上去? #cs2 #csgo #游戏日常 00:00 / 00:47 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞5182 唐唐子(cs2)8...
demo_togglepause Use this command when watching demos to toggle between being paused or not. The good thing about this command is then it will pause or play the demo, depending on if its running when the command is entered. game_mode ...
分享45 csgo吧 暮雨纷纷时丶 cs2一些不好的点 希望后续可以更新屏幕抖动:viewmodel_recoil 0 持枪抖动:cl_bob_lower_amt 5 不能用了 还有清血迹也没了 挥刀不能被检视打断了 好难受 不知道后续会不会更新回来 话说创意工坊现在是不是也不能用 分享回复1 csgo吧 大cool头子 求助CS2更新不了如图,Steam下载CS2...
Nvidia settings Lastly, you can change the gamma and brightness from the NVIDIA Control Panel. Right-click on your desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel.” Click on “Adjust desktop color settings” in the left panel. Slide the “Brightness” and “Gamma” to the right to increase brightn...