可通过编辑cfg文件夹里的config.cfg文件来指定默认运行的游戏模式 也可由管理员按Y在聊天框输入:.prac或.exitprac或.match或.tactics在match mode和practice mode之间切换 当竞技比赛开始后不允许切换到练习模式,可以使用.restart命令回到热身环节,然后再切换到练习模式 当前为pug或match模式 当前为practice模式 4.4 查...
In Game 1 197 012 24h Peak 1 322 973 All Time Peak 1 802 853 Players in game Today’s top PlayerKDRating 1 ZywOo 1.39 1.27 2 s1mple 1.38 1.24 3 donk 1.27 1.23 4 sh1ro 1.45 1.22 5 ANa 1.36 1.2 6 m0NESY 1.32 1.19 7
“bot_add_t”–Adds one bot to the T-side. “bot_add_ct” –Adds one bot to the CT-side. Welcome back, bots. Video by Dot Esports Other useful bots commands in CS2 You can add or remove bots, change their behavior, or determine the number of bots you want on the CS2 server....
If you purchase a Smurf account from renowned companies, you will get the best features and score more points without any difficulty. The great benefit of a Smurf account is that your identity of smurfing will not reveal. Additionally, you will have access to all kinds of weapons and grenad...
If you purchase a Smurf account from renowned companies, you will get the best features and score more points without any difficulty. The great benefit of a Smurf account is that your identity of smurfing will not reveal. Additionally, you will have access to all kinds of weapons and grenad...
mp_randomspawn 1;mp_spawnprotectiontime 0;mp_respawn_immunitytime 0;sv_infinite_ammo 1;bot_quota_mode normal;bot_difficulty 3;bot_dont_shoot 1;bot_kick;mp_restartgame 1;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;bot_add_ct;impulse ...