把你启动项里面的-perfectworld或者-worldwide删掉 来自Android客户端6楼2023-12-04 10:07 收起回复 艾林的梦境 二西莫夫 7 你要是用蒸汽平台登的话就没的选,要是steam就要去掉-perfectworld指令啊 7楼2023-12-04 10:09 收起回复 AXL-M 枪响人亡 5 ...
[ PERFECT WORLD ] Players who launch the game in China and have previously accepted the Steam China Subscriber Agreement will now get a prompt at launch which allows selecting "-perfectworld" or "-worldwide" mode Launch prompt can be activated with "-promptperfectworld" command line flag or co...
【地图】 -对远古遗迹的多处错误修复和调整; [PERFECT WORLD] - Players who launch the game in China and have previously accepted the Steam China Subscriber Agreement will now get a prompt at launch which allows selecting "-perfectworld" or "-worldwide" mode.- Launch prompt can be activated wit...
你要改国语就启动项加-perfectworld 英语就加-worldwide
所以lz这次用了某不可言说之法,挂上了小日子的节点打了一把国际服短时赛米垃圾,输了关键的地方来 1268 cs2吧 月魄º cs2资格怎么获得啊启动项删了perfect,选择worldwide,进去后我也是有段位了,打了三把排位没有发邀请函 分享1赞 cs2吧 檀香刑 求助怎么获得CS2测试资格?管他呢,继续氵 分享8310 csgo吧 ...
[ PERFECT WORLD ] Players who launch the game in China and have previously accepted the Steam China Subscriber Agreement will now get a prompt at launch which allows selecting "-perfectworld" or "-worldwide" mode Launch prompt can be activated with "-promptperfectworld" command line flag or co...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Perfect World 该版本原来是作为CS:GO国服免费版,可以游玩国服官方服务器,可掉落物品,可提升等级,获得服役勋章,也可取得段位,在2018.12.6前不可以玩国际服(-worldwide)。在2021.1.8前需要达到21级才可取得国际服优先状态,国服不需要。现在已和付费版本无区别。
如果在此期间以付费或荣耀认证获取了csgo,老兵硬币承认时间会按你付费或荣耀认证(也可以说能联机的版本)算起你5年老兵硬币的时间。除非你在国际服免费后且没有任何付费或荣耀认证版本来启动csgo联机版本(-worldwide);2021年2月9日后,Free CN版本默认以-worldwide启动,因此会按照免费入库的版本算起老兵硬币时间。
[ PERFECT WORLD ] Players who launch the game in China and have previously accepted the Steam China Subscriber Agreement will now get a prompt at launch which allows selecting "-perfectworld" or "-worldwide" mode Launch prompt can be activated with "-promptperfectworld" command line flag or co...