单机测试版变成英文了..重装系统喉cs2单机版变成英文了,求问怎么调成中文呀?在pj文件里的readme.txt里面找到答案了。打开C-users-用户名-\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\setting,打开里面的language文件,改成schinese
Config setting-worldwide -novid -freq 360 -tickrate 128 -refresh 360 -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -fullscreen-language english -allow_third_party_software -console rate 1000000 fps_max 0 fps_max_ui 0resolution 4:3 stretch 1280*960 dpi 800 sensitivity 1.25使用控制台拷贝粘贴bind "z" "slot7...
+fps_max 400 -novid -console -tickrate 128 -language english +cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 -sdr_spew_level 3 -allow_third_party_software Mouse DPI1600 Sensitivity0.625 eDPI1000 Windows Sensitivity6 Zoom Sensitivity1 Raw Input1 Acceleration0 ...
This launch option makes CS2 start in the language that you replace [language name] with - e.g. "-language english" will make CS2 start in English. -width [width] This launch option sets the width of your CS2 window in pixels (e.g. "-width 1920"). ...
-full -w 1280 -h 960 -refresh 144 -language english +mat_queue_mode 2 +cl_forcepreload 1 -novid -nojoy -nopreload +exec autoexec.cfg -allow_third_party_software Files |-- cs2_cfg |-- README.md |-- cs2_video.txt |-- cfg |-- audio_settings.cfg |-- autoexec.cfg |-- crosshair...
The average fps I get while playing the game in 1980 resolution is 170-180 Low settingThe average fps I get while playing the game in 1024 resolution is 170-190 Low settingMany people like me play the game in 4/3 resolution like cs2 and there is almost no fps difference, I was...
UI Language: English Media Type: DVD Total Hard Disk Space Available: 1649568 MB Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 174914 MB OS Install Date: Apr 20 2021 Game Controller: XInput Controller #1 detected MAC Address hash: 0290dcdeb922ab3f357240c0b0c17bed37578506 Storage: Disk serial number hash: ...
I've even tried Lowest setting in 800x400 resolution and the issues is kind of the same. I've checked using intel telemetry overlay, the usage of GPU and CPU is not at it's max ranging from 40 - 85%, but most of the time it's 60% even when t...
In describing these in the following messages, I'll use JavaScript terminology, but most of these issues are independent of the language. TOPICS Scripting Views 15.5K Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. 61...
They are setting people up for serious legal repercussions, without a care in the world. I'm not sure we can say Adobe "don't care". Big companies set up piracy encorcement departments, whose job it is to care, and who probably haven't been issued with a statute of limitations....