Want to have the best custom crosshair in Counter-Strike 2? ✅ Our CS2 (CS:GO) crosshair generator online is ready to assist in a few clicks.
Find below Total CS's all-in-one CS2 crosshair generator. Adjust the crosshair settings to see a real-time preview of how your crosshair will look in Counter-Strike. Once you've got your crosshair looking perfect, simply copy the config into the CS2 console to use your crosshair in-game!
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Rainbow crosshair mousewheel This funny bind is created for people who want to try out the different colors of crosshair. It allows you to quickly change the crosshair color on different locations bind "mwheelup" "toggle cl_crosshaircolor 0 1 2 3 4 5" ...
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio"0.300000" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod"1" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod"0.5" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist"7" cl_crosshair_friendly_warning"1" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness"0.000000" ...
Examples, Generator & More bot_add_t <Difficulty><Name> Copy Command Name Copy Full cl_crosshairgap This console command will adjust the size of the gap in the middle of your crosshair. The smaller the value, the smaller the gap. Examples, Generator & More cl_crosshairgap <Gap> Copy...
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Crosshair Generator Codes Binds Guides Skins All Skins Skin Search Skin Trading Sites Best Deals Giveaways Skin Guides & NewsTotal CS Binds CS2 Binds List Below is Total CS's list of the best binds for Counter-Strike 2. To activate a bind, click the "Copy to Clipboard" button undernea...