This bind will cause you to jump whenever your mouse wheel is scrolled up on down. This is commonly used by players to make bunny hopping easier, but for others it is simply more convenient than the space bar. Find variations for mouse wheel down or mouse wheel up only on the more ...
1、alias $任意名字$ $姿势/指令$; //将动作或指令被命名为输入名字 2、bind $任意按键$ $姿势/指令$; //将动作或指令与输入按键关联 四、常见按键例举 1、关联滚轮跳 bind MWHEELUP " jump" bind MWHEELDOWN " jump" 2、关联踢腿 alias cj " jump; duck" alias -cj "-duck; -jump" bind "space...
alias +spray "exec 1"alias -spray "exec 2"bind mouse1 +spray然后保存关掉 3.再新建两个cfg文件 一个叫1.cfg,一个2.cfg(名字也是随你取 但是不能跟别的cfg同名而且也要替换PP里的exec后的cfg名字) 1里面复制这个: +attack;unbind MWHEELUP 2里面复制这个: -attack;bind MWHEELUP +jump网页链接 MW...
bind f "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals" SHIFT清除血迹指令:bind shift "+speed;r_cleardecals" CTRL清除血迹指令:bind "ctrl" "+duck;r_cleardecals" 开枪后清除血迹指令:bind MOUSE1 "+attack;r_cleardecals" 跳投指令alias +jumpthrow"+jump-attack;-attack2"alias -jumpthrow -jumpbind t +jumpthrow或快速...
bind "MOUSE_X" "yaw" bind "MOUSE_Y" "pitch" 鼠标纵向灵敏度 sensitivity "2.96" 默认鼠标横向灵敏度m_yaw0.022 (向下变更后会使垂直灵敏度变高,横向灵敏度变低,本人为了方便压枪改为0.008) m_yaw "0.008" 滚轮跳 bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump" ...
MOUSE2 鼠标右键 MOUSE3 鼠标滚轮按键 MOUSE4 鼠标侧键 MWHEELUP 鼠标滚轮上滚 MWHEELDOWN 鼠标滚轮下滚 SPACE 空格 ENTER 回车 ——再举几个绑键位的例子: 绑定滚轮跳 bind MWHEELUP "+jump" bind MWHEELDOWN "+jump" 绑定大跳 alias +cj "+jump; +duck" ...
The Jump command is assigned to [SPACE] in CS2 by default, but if you want to re-bind jump to your mouse scroll wheel, you can do so using either the in-game
bind "c" "sv_rethrow_last_grenade" (c键可以让系统重新帮你扔一遍你最后扔出的道具) mp_limitteams 0 (关闭ct和t的强制平衡人数差限制) sv_alltalk 1 (开启全局语音) 11、滚轮跳指令 滚轮向上跳跃指令:bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump" 滚轮向下跳跃指令:bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" ...
ropz最新急停指令分享bind "w""+forward; clear" bind"s""+back; clear" bind "a""+left; clear" bind "d""+right; clear" bind"ctrl""+duck; clear" bind "shift""+sprint; clear" bind"mwheeldown""+jump; clear" bind "mwheelup""+jump; clear" bind"space""+jump;clear" 直接加进autoexec...
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck" bind "space" "+cjump” “Space”即为空格键,也可设置为其他键位,比如上滚轮“mwheelup”等 cs2基础控制台指令介绍: 清除血迹指令 F键清除血迹指令:bind f "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals" SHIFT清除血迹指令:bind shift "+speed;r_cleardecals" ...