CS188_Spring_2024 is a repo containing the notes of CS188 and it's focused on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (IAI) Berkeley's introductory course in artificial intelligence. This course is lead by Prof. Lingling Zhang @ XJTU Syllabus The course content is basically arranged in the orde...
24/09/16:该课程网站似乎也对外关闭资源下载,原课程全部 note 已在 original_note 中更新,原课程所有 hw&disc&slides的资料参考 zxuhan/CS188_sp24/。 24/09/01:开学太忙了……预计寒假继续;目前已更新至 note 10/project 3 介绍 这个仓库存放的是 UCB CS 188 Spring 2024 的笔记&自学资料;理论上,你学...
CS188_Spring_2024 is a repo containing the notes of CS188 and it's focused on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (IAI) Berkeley's introductory course in artificial intelligence. This course is lead by Prof. Lingling Zhang @ XJTU Syllabus The course content is basically arranged in the orde...