UCLA CS 188 Final Project There's cuda versions of pytorch, if you need that use the command: pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121 Data Collection The data collection was supposed to be done by running ./helpers/record_video.py. Howe...
project-2-9.png project-2.png project-0.md project-1.md project-2.md project-3.md Some content is hidden Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden. 44 files changed
Project 3: Reinforcement Learninginst.cs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/sp20/project3/#question-6-4-points-q-learning 我的代码: # qlearningAgents.py # --- # Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for # educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or...
Project 3: Reinforcement Learninginst.cs.berkeley.edu/~cs188/sp20/project3/ 附上我的代码: # valueIterationAgents.py# ---# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish# solutions, (2) yo...
We will now project every day's temperature measurements into a new space, where the dimensions/axes correspond to a group of weather stations that tend to varytogetherFor the temperature measurements for each day, project the temperature measurement timeseries intotheeigenbases by computing:7Now, ...
CS188-Project3-Reinforcement-learning/gridworld.py~ Go to file Copy path anchal-goyankaFinal_commit Latest commitb272279Jul 5, 2015History 1contributor executable file587 lines (492 sloc)20.5 KB RawBlame # gridworld.py # --- # Licensing Information...
proj1-search-python3 proj2-multiagent writtenhw README.md Repository files navigation README CS188 cs188-projects&hws This projects in this repository only contains files that I modify, not the entire project. Project 1 features: Pacman Agent based on search algorithm and heuristic functio...
github.com/eecs-cn/ucb_ It is all about setup the environment I guess. On mac it is super easy, as I shared in the previous post. On windows it is a bit tricky yet still works fine. I have been live streaming the whole process in youtube. Hopefully I can post a copy to Bilibili...
project - original_zip - 原 project 源码; intro_page 保留的实验文档的页面文件。 solution 参考代码(移动至 cs188/project/solution/ 中) gradecode 4VK322。 使用 下载 使用git git clone https://github.com/Darstib/cs188.git 直接全部下载 部分下载 如果只是想要 note 或者 project 部分或者其他单独...
homework: my homework and analysis of each class notes: my understanding and summary of each class materials_UCB: class notes of CS188 slide_UCB_2023: slides of CS188 project_UCB_2023: project of CS188 refbook: Artificial Intelligence - A Modern MethodAbout...