- cs188/ at project-1 · sam-the-hai/cs188
Pacman-capture-the-flag This is the last project from UC Berkeley CS188 We test the MCTs and Approximate Q learning, but this final version mainly uses rule based decision tree Our team got 18 out of total 147 teams on final competition For more info: see our YouTube presentation on... - cs188/ at project-1 · sam-the-hai/cs188
So maybe we can more general: Pacman only need to know this is a bad state when the ghost is very close to me and there is no exit. lab5 Ghostbusters(Bayes Nets)About CS188 Spring 2023 | introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Berkeley Resources Readme Activity Stars 3 stars Wa...
Multiple Pacman Agents Computation time limit Ghosts and Power pills Friendly Maze without holes Project 2 features: Pacman Agent based on Game Trees No computation time limit Ghosts(Opponent) Good evaluation function of states/actions Mini-Contest 2 features: Team of one Pacman(attacker) and one...
Learned about search problems (A*, CSP, minimax), reinforcement learning, bayes nets, hidden markov models, and machine learning - Artificial-Intelligence-Berkeley-CS188/Project-1/ at master · molson194/Artificial-Intelligence-Berkeley-CS1
// Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.# The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero# ( and Dan Klein ( Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller,...
# # # Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley. # The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero # ( and Dan Klein ( ...
Berkeley's introductory course in artificial intelligence. This course is lead by Prof. Lingling Zhang @ XJTU Syllabus The course content is basically arranged in the order of chapters of the classic artificial intelligence textbook "Artificial Intelligence: Modern Methods" search pruning, constraint sat...
这里是CS188 的 project [The Pac-Man Projects]( 的解答,主要参考了 [CS188_Course_Projects](。 这里是CS188 sp24 的project [The Pac-Man Projects](