错误CS1704: An assembly with the same name 'UnityEngine.UI' has already been imported. You can only import one assembly with a given name per project. 指出在你的项目中已经导入了一个名为 UnityEngine.UI 的程序集,但尝试再次导入时发生了冲突。 2. 查找关于CS1704错误的官方文档或相关资源 虽然CS...
Compiler Error CS1704 Άρθρο 15/02/2013 An assembly with the same simple name 'Assembly Name' has already been imported. Try removing one of the references or sign them to enable side-by-side. This error points out that two references have the same assembly identity because the assem...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14001185/assembly-same-simple-name-already-been-imported-error Yu | 园豆:12990 (专家六级) | 2017-05-06 11:10 1 尝试移除其中一个引用,或给引用加上签名以启用并行模式。 解决方法:引用的DLL里面有重名的类了,删掉多余的 狼爷 | 园豆:1204 (小虾三级) | 2017...
Compiler Error CS0101 Compiler Error CS0102 Compiler Error CS0103 Compiler Error CS0104 Compiler Error CS0106 Compiler Error CS0107 Compiler Error CS0110 Compiler Error CS0111 Compiler Error CS0112 Compiler Error CS0113 Compiler Error CS0115 Compiler Error CS0116 Compiler Error CS0117 Compiler Error...
Compiler Error CS0008 Compiler Error CS0009 Compiler Error CS0010 Compiler Error CS0011 Compiler Error CS0012 Compiler Error CS0013 Compiler Error CS0014 Compiler Error CS0015 Compiler Error CS0016 Compiler Error CS0017 Compiler Error CS0019 Compiler Error CS0020 Compiler Error CS0021 Compiler Error CS...