看原先的《【CT3导引篇】CT3 Probability and Statistics 概率论与数理统计》(点击蓝字可跳转推文)就不太够用了,所以本篇推文邀请了参加新体系CS1考试的于霍霍同学为大家做个介绍。 划重点:本公众号的文章中,标题为“导引篇”的推文代表强烈推荐,考前必备! Chapter 1 Random variables and distributions 随机变量和...
The aim of Actuarial Statistics (CS1) is to provide a grounding in mathematical and statistical methods that are of relevance for actuarial work. It equips the student with knowledge of statistical distributions, methods to summarise data, the principles of statistical inference, regression models (in...