下面的示例生成 CS0649:C# 复制 // CS0649.cs // compile with: /W:4 using System.Collections; class MyClass { Hashtable table; // CS0649 // You may have intended to initialize the variable to null // Hashtable table = null; // Or you may have meant to create an object here //...
编译器警告(等级 4)CS0649,C# 编程指南,编译器检测到未初始化且从未被赋值的私有字段声明或内部字段声明。下面的示例生成 CS0649: 复制代码// CS0649.cs // compile with:,http://t.cn/A6jjS8FR
从未对字段“field”赋值,字段将一直保持其默认值“value” 编译器检测到未初始化且从未被赋值的私有字段声明或内部字段声明。 下面的示例生成 CS0649: C# // CS0649.cs// compile with: /W:4usingSystem.Collections;classMyClass{ Hashtable table;// CS0649// You may have intended to initialize the vari...
问解决c#中的CS0649警告EN无论在学习Truffle框架的使用和Remix IDE的过程中网上的教程都会用到HelloWorld...
问Visual C#错误CS0649验证错误?EN在进行表单验证时,如果有任何一个验证规则不通过,我们都需要向用户...
下面的示例生成 CS0649: 复制代码 // CS0649.cs // compile with: /W:4 using System.Collections; class MyClass { Hashtable table; // CS0649 // You may have intended to initialize the variable to null // Hashtable table = null; // Or you may have meant to create an object here //...
// CS0649.cs // compile with: /W:4 using System.Collections; class MyClass { Hashtable table; // CS0649 // You may have intended to initialize the variable to null // Hashtable table = null; // Or you may have meant to create an object here // Hashtable table = new Hashtable...
Got: warning CS0649: Field 'FloorStash._resourcesController' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null How can I fix it withoutpragmausage? Collaborator Mathijs-BakkercommentedJan 21, 2020 Two options: csc.rsp in the root (Assets) folder of your project ...
Several of my reports generate the warning; Warning CS0649 Field '[CLASS].components' is never assigned to, and will always have its default
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