// CS0150.cs namespace MyNamespace { public class MyClass { public static void Main() { int i = 0; int j = 0; switch(i) { case j: // CS0150, j is a variable int, not a constant int // try the following line instead // case 0: } } } } 当...
// CS0150.cs namespace MyNamespace { public class MyClass { public static void Main() { int i = 0; int j = 0; switch(i) { case j: // CS0150, j is a variable int, not a constant int // try the following line instead // case 1: } } } } ...
{casej:// CS0150, j is a variable int, not a constant int} } } } This error is also produced when an array size is specified with a variable value and initialized with an array initializer. To remove the error, initialize the array in a separate statement or statements....
HP Pavilion - 15-cs0150nd Microprocessor Intel® Core™ i5-8250U (1,6 GHz basisfrequentie, tot 3,4 GHz burstfrequentie met Intel® Turbo Boost-technologie, 6 MB cache, 4 cores) Geheugen, standaard 8 GB DDR4-2400 SDRAM (2 x 4 GB) ...
《湛江市草苏片区节制性具体规划(修编)》CS0150、CS0151、CS0152地块调整实质: (一)用地规模西侧规划路途红线宽度由20米拓宽至25米。 (二)在保证公园绿空中积不削减的前提下,调整用地规模内的公园绿地界限,并耽误源珠路北側的防备绿地,调整后公园绿地总面积不变,防备绿地增添549.26平方米,二类栖身用地削减1319.32...
// CS0150.cs namespace MyNamespace { public class MyClass { public static void Main() { int i = 0; int j = 0; switch(i) { case j: // CS0150, j is a variable int, not a constant int // try the following line instead // case 1: } } } } Dieser...
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