You are in..懒虫4394 + 259L的4426升级补丁 , 创建服务器提示You are in insecure mode,要求重启游戏,求解决!没装那补丁之前可以玩的。。难道要删了重新解压一遍?坑爹呢这是- -
What are insecure AD CS certificate enrollment IIS endpoints? Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) supports certificate enrollment through various methods and protocols, including enrollment via HTTP using the Certificate Enrollment Service (CES) or the Web Enrollment interface (Certsrv). ...
如需不安全的 AD CS 憑證註冊 IIS 端點,請檢閱 中的建議動作。評量會列出組織中有問題的 HTTP 端點,以及安全地設定端點的指引。一旦處理之後,ESC8 攻擊風險就會降低,大幅降低您的受攻擊面。