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csBooks is a smart book management and reading software for WindowsOS. It is also a PDF reader, EPUB reader, MOBI reader, and DJVU file reader. csBooks automatically generates thumbnails for your books so that you can easily browse them and read them wit
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csBooks is a smart book management and reading software for WindowsOS. It is also a PDF reader, EPUB reader, MOBI reader, and DJVU file reader. csBooks automatically generates thumbnails for your books so that you can easily browse them and read them wit
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出版社: 清华大学出版社 出版年: 2005-9 2009-10-03 06:35:15 来自:豆瓣读书 Successful Dissertations and Theses (2人评价) 作者: Madsen, David L. 出版社: John Wiley & Sons Inc 出版年: 1991-12 2009-10-03 06:33:17 来自:豆瓣读书
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public BookLoad(mainForm _myForm, string _url,int _startChapter,string _charSet) { myForm = _myForm; url = _url; startChapter=_startChapter; charSet = _charSet; } /// /// 下载数据 /// public void load() { try { string bookURL = url; string onlyhost...