实际上cstrike模块里cs_set_user_model函数也是使用SetClientKeyValue来修改玩家模型的,但是我以前测试没成功【实际上成功了,但是瞬间又被引擎还回来了】,调用engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, ...);的时候,FM_SetClientKeyValue实际上也会被触发,但是value却不是engfunc调用的时候的值,详见代码:http://codepad...
Port used for Persistent Shared Object Model (PSOM) communications between the Edge Server and client devices. The initial value is set in Topology Builder but can be changed by specifying a new value for this parameter. Ανάπτυξηπίνακα Type: UInt16 Position: Named Default...
Port used for Persistent Shared Object Model (PSOM) communications between the Edge Server and client devices. The initial value is set in Topology Builder but can be changed by specifying a new value for this parameter. Проширитабелу Type: UInt16 Position: Named Default ...
SetUnnamedArg method - Windows 10 hardware dev ExtExtension.SetUnnamedArgStr method - Windows 10 hardware dev WiFiSharingFacebookInitial - Windows 10 hardware dev DimBrightness - Windows 10 hardware dev HighBrightnessValue - Windows 10 hardware dev WiFiToWLAN - Windows 10 hardware dev PhoneModel...
UserService 用于用户账号管理,预先创建几个账号,然后存到文件中,每次服务器执行时,都会将文件中的账号信息读入,同时新创建的用户账号也会存入到文件中去。 UserService DataBuffer 用于服务器端从文件中读取数据,进行缓存 DataBuffer RequestProcessor 这时服务器端最重要的一个类了,用于处理客户端发来的消息,并进行回...
Set-CsEdgeServer Set-CsEnhancedEmergencyServiceDisclaimer Set-CsExternalAccessPolicy Set-CsExternalUserCommunicationPolicy Set-CsExUmContact Set-CsFileTransferFilterConfiguration Set-CsFIPSConfiguration Set-CsGroupPickupUserOrbit Set-CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration Set-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy Set-CsHostingProvider ...
Port used for Persistent Shared Object Model (PSOM) communications between the Edge Server and client devices. The initial value is set in Topology Builder but can be changed by specifying a new value for this parameter. Expand table Type: UInt16 Position: Named Default value: None Required:...
With the VTX Series you are not just using a product, you are gaining access to an expert system. Tools for system design and all the components to analyze, configure, set up and control a VTX system are all part of the JBL commitment to total system integration and support. The goal ...
So the user should examine the surface to determine whether it is truly cusped in terms of there being a sharp peak and set this box accordingly.The current cusp selection may be applied to a group of influence surfaces using ForActionDescription This Applies the current setting ...