The official website for C. S. Lewis. Browse a complete collection of his books, sign up for a monthly enewsletter, find additional resources, and more.
The official website for C. S. Lewis. Browse a complete collection of his books, sign up for a monthly enewsletter, find additional resources, and more.
Define CS Lewis. CS Lewis synonyms, CS Lewis pronunciation, CS Lewis translation, English dictionary definition of CS Lewis. Noun 1. C. S. Lewis - English critic and novelist; author of theological works and of books for children Clive Staples Lewis, Lew
Tolkien, Lewis is credited with numerous books of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. C.S. Lewis was a Christian, and Christian themes and allegories are prominent in his writing. The Chronicles of Narnia series is among his most noteworthy accomplishments. Use this flashcard set to review some ...
BOOKS: Narnia Study Lets Us Meet Mr CS LewisA Field Guide to Narnia by Colin Duriez
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books, which still sell six million copies a year, led him to become one of the most influential voices in contemporary Christianity. The late Chuck Colson, converted by Lewis’ bookMere Christianity, contended that Lewis is ‘a true prophet for our post-modern age.’ As one of the few ...
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•A memorial to author, scholar and apologist CS Lewis was dedicated at Westminster Abbey last Friday – the 50th anniversary of his death.Conducting the service, the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, said Lewis was “one of the most significant Christian apologists of the...