#全球诗选# 【C•S•Lewis :长眠等四首】克莱夫·斯台普斯·路易斯(Clive Staples Lewis 1898-1963)是二十世纪最伟大的知识分子之一,也是他那个时代最有影响力的作家之一。他担任牛津大学英国文学的研究员和导师,...
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Define CS Lewis. CS Lewis synonyms, CS Lewis pronunciation, CS Lewis translation, English dictionary definition of CS Lewis. Noun 1. C. S. Lewis - English critic and novelist; author of theological works and of books for children Clive Staples Lewis, Lew
The official website for C. S. Lewis. Browse a complete collection of his books, sign up for a monthly enewsletter, find additional resources, and more.
当当曼新图书专营店在线销售正版《纳尼亚传奇 (英)CS刘易斯(CSLewis)/盛世教育西方名翻委员会 世界图书出版有限公司北京分公司 9787519240868》。最新《纳尼亚传奇 (英)CS刘易斯(CSLewis)/盛世教育西方名翻委员会 世界图书出版有限公司北京分公司 9787519240868》简介、书评
Study the character of Edmund in ''The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'' by C.S. Lewis. Understand Edmund’s personal growth in ''The Chronicles of...
CS Lewis:The Screwtape Letters (1942)Screwtape is a senior devil whose job is to increase the store of malice and misery on Earth. He achieves this by carefully targeting humans and then providing them with an array of temptations that can take their minds away from God.Under Screwtape's ch...
The official website for C. S. Lewis. Browse a complete collection of his books, sign up for a monthly enewsletter, find additional resources, and more.