Relational operators:关系为真则为1,假时返回值就是0。<, >, <=, >= == (equality), != (inequality) sizeof operator: 返回data size。 int a sizeof(a) 返回的就是 4 ?: (ternary operator) int counter = 0 counter = counter + 1 syntactic sugar缩写: count += 1 、counter ++ 注释 /...
We prove a new inequality for C-S seminorms that includes as special cases inequalities of Bhatia et al., for unitarily invariant norms. Finally, we observe that every C-S seminorm belongs to the larger class of Lieb functions, and we prove some new inequalities for this larger class. ...
根据Jensen'sinequality可以得到: \log p\left(x_{i}\right) \geq E_{z \sim q_{i}(z)}\left[\log \frac{p\left(x_{i} | z\right) p(z)}{q_{i}(z)}\right] =E_{z \sim q_{i}(z)}\left[\log p\left(x_{i} | z\right)+\log p(z)\right]-E_{z \sim q_{i}(z)}...
In this work, we finally are able to give a -competitive matroid prophet inequality with only samples. Our algorithm consists of two parts: (i) a novel quantile-based reduction from matroid prophet inequalities to online contenti...
The author talks about ways to address health inequality in Great Britain. She notes the need for community nurses to find ways to tackle health inequality. She discusses the concept of health creation supported by New National Health Service (NHS) Alliance, and the 3Cs that characterise health...
利用Hoeffding's inequality,我们有: 以概率 满足。(因为 ) 对于每个 都能找到 使得 。用刚才假设的 、 有L-Lipschitz的特性,不难推出: 于是再过个桥,界就有了: 剩下的就是选个合适的 和 来完成定理4.1的证明。 这样(4)的差距变成了 当M、L、B大于某些小常数时成立。这样我们证明了一个比定理4.1更强的...
We also establish connections between the new bounds and Markov's inequality and Chernoff's bound. In addition, we provide an iterative method for obtaining ever tighter lower and upper bounds, under certain conditions. Finally, we provide numerical examples, where we show the tightness of these ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition PHCSPrivate Healthcare Systems PHCSPrimary Health Care Service PHCSPrevailing Healthcare Charges System(database tool; Ingenix) PHCSPublic Health and Community Services(Canada) ...
CS229的视频和讲义均为互联网公开资源...事件(但不一定互相独立),则有: 就是说,k 个事件同时发生的概率 最多是 k 个不同的事件每个都发生的概率的总和。 ②Hoeffding Inequality(在机器学习理论里面也称为 切尔诺夫约束智能推荐线性回归、梯度下降、正规方程组-机器学习公开课第一、二讲 这个系列的公开课看...
偏置与方差的权衡 高偏置(high bias)与高方差(high variance)的概念在Coursera上Ng的机器学习课程中已经提过,这里不再赘述 预备知识 一致限(the union bound)/Boole不等式(Boole's inequality) $$P(A_1\cup \c