HLTV Rankings of CS2 (CS:GO) teams for 2025 ☕️ - ✋Rating of teams according to the authoritative portal HLTV.ORG ➦ The best teams for now.
Team Rankings CS:GOTeam Rankings Here you can see all professional counter strike teams. Team rating byEscorenews.com PlaceTeamRatingFormearnedlast game 1 TSTeam Spirit 2,473––2w ago 2 VITTeam Vitality 1,645––2w ago 3 NAVINatus Vincere...
Over 1K fans have voted on the 30+ items on Best Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Teams. Current Top 3: Natus Vincere, Astralis, Team Liquid
Over 1K fans have voted on the 30+ items on Best Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Teams. Current Top 3: Astralis, Natus Vincere, Team Liquid
来自HLTV网站世界排名 HLTV的CS:GO Teams世界排名HLTV的世界排名将反恐精英全球攻势竞技领域的最佳战队进行排名。排名每周更新一次,球队会根据过去2个月在竞争性比赛中的近期表现向上或向下移动。 排名是如何计…
What are the CS:GO ranks? CS:GO has 18 ranks, split into six tiers. Where you fit into the ranking system determines how good you are at the classic FPS. Here are the CS:GO ranks in order: Silver is usually associated with new players who haven’t quite got to grips with the...
The progress of the Brazilian teams was facilitated by their compatriot Gaules, who regularly casts top tournaments and gathers thousands of Brazilian CS:GO fans on his broadcasts. Fnatic also moved up in the ranking (from 10th to 8th place) with 26.4M Hours Watched in a year. At the same...
图1左侧的灰色方框展示了目前的战队世界排名前5名。点击标题“Ranking By”就可以进入图6所示的战队排名页面。还可以点击图6中黑色方框内按键查找过往的战队排名。 图6 图6所示的页面只显示世界排名前30名,若要查找某个地区的战队排名请点击黑色方框内“Regional Rankings”按键,效果如图7所示(中国地区的战队排名)。
3rd place (34.1M Hours Watchedin 2020); FURIA took 7th place (29.1M), although last year it was absent in ranking. The progress of the Brazilian teams was facilitated by their compatriotGaules, who regularly casts top tournaments and gathers thousands of Brazilian CS:GO fans on his broadcast...
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