Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg">crosshair settings Look for more information about CS:GO autoexec.cfg.We have also collected here information about the gear of CS:GO pro-players: mouse, keyboard, mouse pad, headset, and monitor.AstralisXyp9x - An...
您可以在CS:GO设置中的选项 - >键盘/鼠标 - >鼠标缩放灵敏度下找到它。在右侧,您可以看到顶级AWPER的平均变焦灵敏度。可能有一些争议这个数字(它也取决于玩家使用的老鼠),但似乎是大多数玩家围绕默认设置舒适的情况,即1。快速提示:如果您是Rifler,并希望使用相同的灵敏度,而范围和无范围使用这个:zoom_sensitivity...
csgo职业选手参数网站。CSGO的职业选手多使用4:3的纵横比,搭配1280x960的分辨率。全剧阴影效果设为非常低,模型设为低,效果细节和光影细节都设为低。多核渲染设为启动,多重采样抗锯齿设为8,快速抗锯齿设为禁用。 详细答案: https:/...
CS:GO is one of the only games where having a different aspect ratio has a big impact on the in-game graphics. A lot of older pros use 4:3 – especially those who come from CS 1.6. ENCE's In-game Leader Marco 'Snappi' Pfeiffer says that it’s all about personal preference: "If...
Operating System (OS), Windows Mouse Settings Almost every good CS:GO player has the same Windows mouse settings – which is the “default” with no mouse acceleration. To change this settings, navigate to: “control panel -> mouse -> pointer options”. The pointer speed should be on6/11...
俄罗斯知名电子竞技俱乐部Virtus.pro刚刚在官方网站正式公布解散旗下独联体CS:GO分队,同时波兰黄金五人组已确认成为历史。独联体纵队Virtus.pro近来状态和成绩都处在不断上升中,先是在DreamHack夏季赛拿到3-4名,之后又分别在RC EMS One线下决赛和SLTV StarSeries VI线下决赛获得亚军和季军。不仅如此Virtus.pro也是目前CS:...
New CS:GOPEDIA - knowledge base for CS2 players. Find information about pro players’ configs, gear, teams, tournaments and much more.
Optimize setting max golang procs Spiderpool Version latest Main CNI any bug description What did you expect to happen? No response How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible) No response Additional Context No response
实现go语言setmaxprocs底层源码的步骤 为了实现go语言的setmaxprocs底层源码,首先需要了解setmaxprocs的作用和原理,然后按照以下步骤进行操作: Step 1: 了解setmaxprocs的作用和原理 在开始之前,我们需要了解setmaxprocs的作用。setmaxprocs函数用于设置Go程序可同时执行的最大CPU核心数。默认情况下,Go程序会使用所有...