您可以在CS:GO设置中的选项 - >键盘/鼠标 - >鼠标缩放灵敏度下找到它。在右侧,您可以看到顶级AWPER的平均变焦灵敏度。可能有一些争议这个数字(它也取决于玩家使用的老鼠),但似乎是大多数玩家围绕默认设置舒适的情况,即1。快速提示:如果您是Rifler,并希望使用相同的灵敏度,而范围和无范围使用这个:zoom_sensitivity...
Of course, using CS:GO Pro Players Configs won’t be enough to play better. Practice a lot and develop your skills gradually.The DMarket blog is a place for you to get all the significant info on CS:GO, such as Esports news and detailed guides for players of all levels. Follow us on...
Mouse settings Let's go directly to the setup. Almost all pro-players play without mouse acceleration (Acceleration is an artificial acceleration of the cursor speed depending on the rate of movement of the mouse itself. In other words, the faster you move the mouse, the more it starts to ...
CS:GO is one of the only games where having a different aspect ratio has a big impact on the in-game graphics. A lot of older pros use 4:3 – especially those who come from CS 1.6. ENCE's In-game Leader Marco 'Snappi' Pfeiffer says that it’s all about personal preference: "If...
You cannot make the mouse aim better through the game settings alone. And you definitely can’t change its physical shape to make it feel better in your hand.So what can you do then? Most mouse settings are about CS:GO sensitivity. The bigger a physical movement is needed to make the ...
点击“Settings”找到“Effect search paths” “Texture search paths” 添加特效文件的目录,举例: . \reshade-shaders\Shaders\** . \reshade-shaders\Texture\** 去掉默认目录,需要我们添加效果文件,不添加没有效果。 点击“+” 在“Effect search paths”里找到并打开“Counter-Strike Global Offensive”目录...
More and more people love to stream gameplay on various platforms, but it's not easy to configure OBS settings properly. This post aims to help people struggling to find the best OBS settings for CS GO. Read and know more information....
2.在左侧导航栏中找到以下路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Half-Life\Settings 3.在右侧窗口中找到“ScreenWidth”和“ScreenHeight”两个键值,并将它们的数值改为自己电脑屏幕的分辨率。例如1920x1080。 4.保存修改后退出注册表编辑器,并重新启动CSCO游戏即可。
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