Maps classified as anEscapescenario have the Terrorists trying to escape from the Counter-Terrorists. Although the mode was included in theCounter-Strikebeta, it was not continued as an official game type.模板:Main Map Groups As of the模板:GOPatchupdate,Counter-Strike: Global Offensiveintroduced ...
Both Inferno and Mirage maps were also very popular in 2022, so there is no wonder. Pro players competed on Inferno 264 times and 254 times on Mirage, as per HLTV. All CS:GO fans know both maps very well. Since the game has been released in 2012, Inferno and Mirage have met with s...
CS2 (CSGO) callouts for Inferno help players not waste time by describing to a teammate where to go. Learning as many as you can is crucial for boosting progress and getting better at the game. Brief Overview of Inferno Inferno is one of the most balanced maps in theCS2 active duty pool...
This is a map pack which consists of 3 maps. The 3 maps are AR_BAGGAGE, AR_SHOOTS, AR_MONASTERY which were arms race maps from CS:GO but I had ported them to L4D2 with survival elements. This is my second release of survival maps. Note: For each maps you would see more CT-ish ...
It is one of the maps in CS:GO to have gone through a rehaul to its look and textures since the game's release. Seen unanimously as a CT-sided map, Inferno has the most callouts we've detailed across all CS:GO maps, so it's one to get learning if you aren't already familiar...
Map callout overviews for all competitive maps CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive). Includes callouts for dust2, inferno, nuke, train, mirage, cache and other maps.
Anchor:原意为船锚,在CS: GO中指主防某一雷区,非必要不离开的选手,就像船锚一样 B Anchor:B区防守者。由于大部分地图的B区并非防守重心,一般等同于小区防守者。例如Perfecto就是典型的B Anchor Camp (ing) :长时间架点 Default:默认战术 Retake:回防 ...
Download custom maps (cs_ Mode) for Counter-Strike : Global Offensive. All from independent developers.
CS GO指令大全 薛卞之門 转国服-perfectworld 1、清除血迹指令 F键清除血迹指令:bind f "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals" SHIFT清除血迹指令:bind shift "+speed;r_cleardecals" CTRL清除血迹指令:bind "ctrl" "+duck;r_cleardecals" 开枪后清除血迹指令:bind MOUSE1 "+attack;r_cleardecals"...
mp_c4timer 45 C4引爆时间45秒 map de_inferno 切换地图为de_inferno(炼狱小镇) maps 列出该服务器...