config pro cs go cs2 settings & config including cfg, setup, sensitivity, crosshair, DPI, resolution and more. Last update in 2013.
Of course, using CS:GO Pro Players Configs won’t be enough to play better. Practice a lot and develop your skills gradually.The DMarket blog is a place for you to get all the significant info on CS:GO, such as Esports news and detailed guides for players of all levels. Follow us on...
CS:GO设置 - >选项 - >键盘/鼠标。否则,您也可以使用本指南后面部分中的config / autoexec与本指南完全相同的设置。这些绑定也将使您能够使用相同的按钮购买手榴弹。bind “f” “buy flashbang; use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang”bind “t” “buy smokegrenade; use weapon_knife; use weapon_smoke...
下面的设置是我们的个人建议,所以请随时将它们添加到您的配置[]中: 查看我们的CS:GO耳机指南[] CS:GO最佳雷达设置 CS:GO中的雷达是一个非常重要的信息,但默认设置太放大了,没有用...
俄罗斯知名电子竞技俱乐部Virtus.pro刚刚在官方网站正式公布解散旗下独联体CS:GO分队,同时波兰黄金五人组已确认成为历史。独联体纵队Virtus.pro近来状态和成绩都处在不断上升中,先是在DreamHack夏季赛拿到3-4名,之后又分别在RC EMS One线下决赛和SLTV StarSeries VI线下决赛获得亚军和季军。不仅如此Virtus.pro也是目前CS:...
When you click KEY, you will be given all the grenades in CS:GO. CS:GO Pro Configs If you are interested in what config files and autoexec files from professional CS:GO players look like, then check out ourCS:GO Pro Settings list. Beside their config, you can also find out what gear...
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The CS:GO Pro sheet is a list of the latest settings, gaming gear and sensitivity used by professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players. The list includes pro CS:GO players keybinds, crosshair, mouse settings, resolution, sensitivity, configs, DP
CS:GO Practice Config In this guide, we will go through the most common and useful commands for practicing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. You can also just skip to the end of the tutorial, where you can download or copy the config and apply it to your local server. The most common ...
room/1-e4b8f18d-d090-48e8-97e5-1e2a865027e9/scoreboard ►准星:CSGO-UpSew-oazK2-b6m3t-DkRwi-kqdqA ►准星使用方法:(设置-游戏设置-准星-导入准星-复制进去-点导入-导入前可以先备份一下自己原本的防止不喜欢新准星) ►config来源: ►DPI:800 sens...