Build software better, together 让我们一起构建更好的软件(: 存放你的项目并与他人协作的地方。(必须先了解 Git 才能有效地使用它) Gitlab 提供免费的无限制(私有)存储仓库和无限协作方式(
gitaly: CSGHub's Git storage backend, providing efficient implementation of Git operations. gitlab-shell: Provides Git over SSH interaction between CSGHub and Gitaly repositories for SSH access to Git operations. ingress-nginx: As an ingress controller in the Kubernetes cluster, it manages traffic...
A great example of a postmortem from Gitlab (01/31/2017) for an outage during which an engineer's action caused the irremediable loss of 6 hours of data. Blameless PostMortems and a Just Culture A list of postmortems on Github Google's SRE book, Postmortem chapter is excellent and includes...
最后,欢迎您将代码存储在GitHub、GitLab、BitBucket等的私有存储库中,但请确保您的代码不能公开访问。 3.3 Reading the Sponge documentation 为了支持这种风格的编程,Sponge的类将操作系统函数(可以从C调用)包装在“现代”C++中。 用web浏览器,阅读网页上的入门代码文档 请特别注...
GitLab comes with its own application performance measuring system as of GitLab 8.4, simply called "GitLab Performance Monitoring". GitLab Performance Monitoring is available in both the Community and Enterprise editions.Apart from this introduction, you are advised to read through the following docum...
your created GitLab repo for each task completion. Details of the tasks are in the Mark distributions sections. ? Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are penalised at the rate of 10% of the possible marks available per ...
tests are also in the Gitlab repository that you forked to start the project. If updates to the tests come out you will have to pull from the remote repository to update your local copy. 6 Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools While we encourage you to utilize the normal debugging practices (...
GitLab can be configured to authenticate with other OAuth providers, LDAP, SAML, Kerberos, etc. Here are some documents you might be interested in reading: Omnibus GitLab documentation Integration documentation GitLab Pages configuration GitLab Container Registry configuration...
Fedora has adopted the patchset that Debian and other distros are using ( Great thanks to Than Ngo of RedHat, Timothy Pearson (Debian package maintainer)Time to QA folks! So far it runs perfectly for me...