This is a review of a CS:GO aim training map called CSGOHUB. The map is excellent to improve all aspects of your aim. You can enter various game modes and adjust the settings to your skill level. We will go through each game mode and talk about the efficiency of improving basic and...
If you are learning CS:GO, our training map guide will teach you everything you need to know about the game. From learning how to aim to throwing grenades to blocking the opposing team’s path, we’ve got everything you need to get you ready for competitive play. Navigation: Use the ...
此外,这张地图还包括追踪目标等其他模式,让用户可以进行全方位的训练。 Fast Aim/Reflex Training Map能够有效地帮助玩家提高瞄准和反应速度,从而在实战中更加得心应手。 这是一个专门为练习武器后坐力控制而设计的地图,旨在帮助新手更好地掌握各种武器的后坐规律和控制技巧。 Recoil Master提供了多种不同的训练模式...
下面可以调整需要压的装备。 第三张图,CSStats Training Map,可以用来热身,练习身法和预瞄 进入地图后显示如下 后边墙上,可以选择武器以及模式,调整人机数量和远近。 最右边一列可以调整声音,消除血迹和装备,调整护甲,开启爆头才能击杀,无限装备。 点rush,人机会冲到脸上 点shuffle,人机会在掩体之间移动 点spray,可...
When that being said, the map is running really smooth and it has a solid foundation for becoming a great aim training map. How to play this CS2 aim training map To play this custom aim training map, follow these simple steps: Download the map fileHERE. ...
7、Aim Botz - Aim Training (CS2)(不错) “迄今为止最受欢迎的地图。职业哥基本上都会用这张图,所以我不会在这张图上花太多时间,各种设置已经不言而喻。” 8、cs2_aim -- A feature-rich, yet lightweight warmup map(一般) “菜单内容很丰富,可以调节BOT的走位、移动速度、移动方向、和玩家的距离等等...
①http://CSGOHUB.comSkills Training Map 很多人都在推崇AIM BOTZ这张练枪图,但我想说的是,CSGOHUB的这张图更适合萌新练枪,因为这张图更直观、更简单。不好意思的说,AIM BOTZ这张图我根本没玩明白(逃) 这张图可以调准星(右侧),可以更改bot数量,调整防弹衣/头盔,调整机器人静止/跑动,最上面第一行还可以进...
FAST AIM/REFLEX MAP - TRAINING [DUST2]小编练枪大多用的是这张图,一进去bot就会从前后左右以不同的姿势向你发起冲锋,这张图主要是练习自己的瞬间瞄准能力和反应。缺点就是打多了会眼花,手腕也会疼,所以竞技之前打几分钟热热身就可以了。当然打bot不会给你的枪法带来很大的提升,但却能提高枪法的稳定性。...
冲着10好几个智能机器人,AK一枪一枪的点,随后再大幅练,从一个人头马干邑上扔到另一个人头顶,仅有渐渐地练,地形图为"aimbotz","SkillsTrainingMap"。 随后我详尽说说该怎么练精准定位新手入门。 以"aimbotz"这幅图而言,开单层墙,随后应对这种智能机器人一点点来,先渐渐地一颗炮弹点一个头,找觉得,随后提高...
Quick tip - move your mouse to the centre of the training wall between every shot to really build up the muscle memory! Aim Botz - Another training map used by most of the pros, this gives you plenty of ways to practice landing shots on bots. Again it’s filled with customisation ...