Final Exam 40% —— 笔试,总分100分。和midterm构成相似,除了最后加了一题考察OOP。一般大家final比midterm都会好很多。一方面大家更加适应考试形式、熟悉课程内容了,另一方面final不会特别难(department需要拉一把可能挂科的同学)。 04 一些小心得 总结来说,这门课在内容方面是一门不错的Python入门课。但由于讲得...
For the midterm, we can use standard SCPD procedures of having your manager or somebody at your company monitor you during the exam. Will there be virtual office hours for SCPD students All office hours will be accesible on google hangouts. The link to the hangout...