CS:GO 指令: net_graph - 此命令切换网络图显示,当设置为1或0禁用时,显示ping,FPS和其他客户端变量。它还会绘制网络使用数据,其中2显示输入/输出数据,3说明有效负载上的数据。这是CS:GO/CS2游戏的控制台指令net_graph的描述。
CS:GO Command net_graph <0 / 1 / 2 / 3> Copy This command will enable (set to 1) and disable (set to 0) the net graph display, which shows ping, FPS and other client variables. Argument Information The syntax for this command is as follows: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 Set to 0 to ...
net_graph x...打开测FPS与联机速的工具 x=1开 x=0关,开起此项多少会减少fps net_graphpos x...工具的位置 x=1,2,3 net_graphwidth 192...工具的大小 volume 0.8...调整音量大小,实际音量为(volume/hisound) hisound 1.000000...设定音量最大值,实际音量为(volume/hisound) bgmvolume 1.000000......
PowerShell 复制 Get-CsNetworkInterface -Identity atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com/Primary/1 The command shown in Example 2 returns information about a single network interface: the interface that has the Identity atl-cs-001.litwareinc.com.com/Primary/1....
Example 2 returns the hosting provider that has the Identity Fabrikam.com. Because Identities must be unique among hosting providers, this command will never return more than a single item. --- Example 3 --- PowerShell 复制 Get-CsHostingProvider -Filter *.org The command shown in Example...
Example 3 is a variation of the command shown in Example 2. This time, however, the PhoneLockTimeout property is modified for all the UC phone settings configured at the site scope. To do this, the command starts off by calling the Get-CsUCPhoneConfiguration cmdlet; the Filter parameter ...
The command shown in Example 2 is a variation of the command shown in Example 1; in this case, however, the Confirm parameter is added using this syntax: -Confirm:$False That syntax suppresses the confirmation prompts that would otherwise appear when purging archiving records.-...
The command shown in Example 2 is a variation of the command shown in Example 1; in this case, however, the Confirm parameter is added using this syntax: -Confirm:$False That syntax suppresses the confirmation prompts that would otherwise appear when purging archiving records.-...
Example 2 is an extension of the first example; in this case, the command modifies the value of the Organization property for each collection of conferencing configuration settings currently in use. To do this the command first uses the Get-CsConferencingConfiguration cmdlet to retrieve a collection...