Updated for CS2: We've updated our list to include over 1,000 console commands that were added in CS2. We're the only website that has a complete list of all Counter-Strike 2 commands with complete documentation and examples. CS:GO Commands are hidden from this list by default. If you...
This category contains all of the Counter-Strike 2 console commands that can be used to edit and optimize your heads-up display (HUD), such as changing its color or size.How to Use CS:GO & CS2 Commands Collapse Enable the developer console:...
5. 使用控制台命令(console commands):如果你是在Windows系统中玩游戏的话,可以试试打开控制面板然后找到“硬件和声音”选项卡下的"音频设备属性",在这里调整一下音频设备的参数看是否能解决这个问题。不过需要注意的是在使用这些方法之前最好先备份下相关的重要数据以免因为误修改而导致其他的兼容性问题出现无法还原...
Crosshair Generator Bindings Generator CS2 Console Commands Inventory Value Pro Players’ Settings Articles Blog How to Get Desert Eagle Heat Treated in CS2 eZstah Blog Weapon Damage in CS2 eZstah Blog How to Equip USP-S in CS2? eZstah ...
Method 2 - via Console Players can go deeper into the in-game settings by using variousconsole commands. These are simple codes to put into the special console screen. Some of them have direct connection to Frames Per Seconds. So, how can you see FPS in CS:GO through console commands?
Console Commandscl_crosshairstyle "4"; cl_crosshaircolor "1"; cl_crosshairsize "3.5"; cl_crosshairgap "-2"; cl_crosshairthickness "0"; cl_crosshairalpha "255"; cl_crosshairdot "0"; Autoexec.cfg Filecl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshaircolor "1" cl_crosshairsize "3.5" cl_crosshairgap "-...
It looks like Valve knows a thing or two about hacking even if they don't allow players to use their own cheats in the game. It's actually possible to aimbot using built-in game console commands, though it won't work in official multiplayer modes where cheats are disabled unfortunately....
【cs教程】cs source控制台命令([CS tutorial] CS source console commands) 热度: 按下「~」即可开启 使用时先输入参数名 然后按下SPACE空出一格 再输入设定值即可 一般玩家进入游戏都只能用到Client(玩家用参数) 不过...如果你是开LANGAME的人 就能进阶到Server专用指令下表内指令后的参数大多是默认值 ...
con_filter_enable “2” con_filter_text “Damage” con_filter_text_out “Player:” This set of commands will print your damage dealt and received to the top-left corner of the screen whenever you die, rather than you having to check the console to find out. ...
【cs教程】cssource控制台命令([CStutorial]CSsourceconsole commands) Thefollowingcommandclosesmost,and1opens.Itis recommendedtosavetheinputasautoexec.cfgandputiton Counter-StrikeSource\cstrike\cfg (Note:theautoexec.cfgloadordertakesprecedenceover config.cfg,andifthetwoconfigurationfileshavethesame parameters,but...