本科:EE@SJTU:3.4/4.3(83/100),T: 110(24) G单项和总分: 159+170+3.5,相关工作经验: <3个月短暂实习/全职 本科: mis @ whu, GPA 3.61还是3.65 (uci算的): 本科Top15 211,T单项和总分: 109,G单项和总分: 328 本科: Polymer @ FDU, GPA : 本科:南大,浙大,复旦,上交,研究生: Engineering Enterpr...
131B - Introduction to Probability and Statistics, UCI STATS 250 - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, UMichigan Sets, Counting and Probability - Harvard Opinionated Lessons in Statistics (Youtube) Statistics - Brandon Foltz Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using R and Stan (Lectu...
131B - Introduction to Probability and Statistics, UCI STATS 250 - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, UMichigan Sets, Counting and Probability - Harvard Opinionated Lessons in Statistics (Youtube) Statistics - Brandon Foltz Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using R and Stan (Lectu...
131B - Introduction to Probability and Statistics, UCI STATS 250 - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, UMichigan Sets, Counting and Probability - Harvard Opinionated Lessons in Statistics (Youtube) Statistics - Brandon Foltz Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course Using R and Stan (Lectu...
UCI CS202 Cryptographic protocols (Win21) Lec 20 - DPF, applications to PIR/ORAM 33 -- 2:22:32 App Ryan Henry 2017 CCS - Private Information Retrieval 29 -- 47:20 App Henry Corrigan-Gibbs : Simple and Fast Private Information Retrieval (23.01.13) 32 -- 1:20:16 App Ryan Henry -...
直接去硅谷,你别说UCLA了,就算是UCI,UCD,这种的拉出来也是不差的。很讨巧。 转博会稍微容易(一会我再说为啥它是相对容易) 我说下哥大吧,毕竟是我的半个利益相关。peers pressure会很大,越是中国人多的地方竞争就越大,何况有些老美也很猛,校招的时候会比较烦。 不仅如此,因为纽约也好找工作,其他亚洲国家和老...
本科: CS @ DUT, GPA overall:3.6 major:3.8: 本科Top30 211T单项和总分: 101G单项和总分: 155+169+3.5,背景的其他说明(如牛推等):uci暑研和一封教授推荐信 本科:CS@SCU:3.62/4 (3.85/4 北大算法) 8/335,T: 104(R:29 L:27 S:22 W:26),G: 331 + 4(V:162 Q:169),论文/科研经历: 无科研...
本科: CS @ DUT, GPA overall:3.6 major:3.8: 本科Top30 211T单项和总分: 101G单项和总分: 155+169+3.5,背景的其他说明(如牛推等): uci暑研和一封教授推荐信 本科:CS@SCU:3.62/4 (3.85/4 北大算法) 8/335,T: 104(R:29 L:27 S:22 W:26),G: 331 + 4(V:162 Q:169),论文/科研经历: 无科...
本科: EE @ THU, GPA 3.25(UCI算的): 本科:北大,清华,科大,中科院,特色学校牛专业,T单项和总分: 105,G单项和总分: 157+170+3 本科: CS @ NTU, GPA 3.6/4: 海本,研究生: CS @ NTU, GPA 4/4: 海外研究生,T单项和总分: 27 28 23 24,G单项和总分: 152 168 3.0 ...
(1979) Nutural ra- dionucIidcs in Nanaganstt Bay. Earth Planet. Sci. Let?. 45*2012-2013. SANTSCHIP. H., ADLER D., AMWRER M., Lt Y.-H. and BIXL J. (IPa) Thorium isotopes ls aoa@ues fur "par- ticl~ve" poIItttants in cow& marine ~~~rn~n~. Earth &net. Sci. Len. ...