Please feel free to raise any genuine issue you may have, however, it has been noticed that few people open empty issues to raise their GitHub contribution on their account. Such spammers will be blocked. You are welcome to contribute, please create PR for actual college/University level cours...
CS361 - COMPUTER SYSTEMS - UIC CS 3650 - Computer Systems - Fall 2020 - Nat Tuck - NEU (Lectures - YouTube) CS 4400 – Computer Systems Fall 2016 - UoUtah Systems - Aduni CS110: Principles of Computer Systems - Stanford Operating Systems ECS 150 - Operating Systems and Systems Programmi...
CS361 - COMPUTER SYSTEMS - UIC CS 3650 - Computer Systems - Fall 2020 - Nat Tuck - NEU (Lectures - YouTube) CS 4400 – Computer Systems Fall 2016 - UoUtah Systems - Aduni CS110: Principles of Computer Systems - Stanford Operating Systems ECS 150 - Operating Systems and Systems Program...
T单项和总分: 107(23),G单项和总分: 158+168+3.5,背景的其他说明(如牛推等): 清华实验室实习(无推荐)UIC暑研+大老板的推荐信(强度未知),另有一封暑研时带我的师兄现任Lehigh AP的强推,申请的时候有一封顶会submitted, 后悲剧,截止申请时有一个月的AI公司实习经历...
Yale CS BUPT 通信工程 92 107 326 清华实验室实习(无推荐),UIC暑研+大老板的推荐信(强度未知),另有一封暑研时带我的师兄现任Lehigh AP的强推,申请的时候有一封顶会submitted, 后悲剧,截止申请时有一个月的AI公司实习经历 Yale CS 北京大学 CS 3.66 111 336 本科做过一些科研,但是对科研不是很感兴趣。在微...
We thank Nadia Kane (Imaging Specialist) and Mark Sanders (Program Director) at the University Imaging Center (UIC), University of Minnesota. Funding This work was supported by grants from the Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury Grant Program (Award # 143717), University of ...
2019 FALL Rice MCS 本科Top30 211 CS 90.15 106 322 一封UIC暑研老板强推+一封MSRAmentor推荐,msra实习+三段nlp相关科研 2019 FALL Rice MCS 本科:南大,浙大,复旦,上交 CS 88.88 105 325 无论文,实验室经历两段。项目可写cv的比较多,软硬都能做。网易短期实习一段,北美UCBtop50交换一学期。
1、芝加哥大学 芝加哥大学计算机系专门设置了一个针对转专业学生的项目:MS in Computer Science (with...
2019 FALL UVA CS 北京师范大学 cs 90.15 106 322 给了2000刀的小奖.一封UIC暑研老板强推+一封MSRAmentor推荐,msra实习+三段nlp相关科研 2019 FALL UVA CS 本科Top15 211 3.9 102 322 工作了半年多的时候申请的。一段互联网大厂实习,一段某大厂实习,后来该厂工作。从事软件开发。推荐信两封学校的老师,一封公司...