Raicoliscommittedtoprovidinghighqualitynonlinearopticalelementstotheopticscommunity,atacompetitiveprice. Thecompanysetsahighpriorityondevelopmentwork,andworkscloselywithcustomerstodevelopinnovativeproductsthatmeettheirneeds. RaicolCrystalsispleasedtopresentthisbooklet,whichincludesdatasheetsaboutourproducts,andtestresultsfortheva...
The study of molecular crystals with elements of disorder in their structure the crystal structure and NQR spectra of pentabromo- and pentachloro-fluorobenzeneclassical and quantum mechanics, general physicsmagnetotailenergymathematical modelsearth magnetosphereelectric fields...
Advances in analytical geochemistry have made it possible to determine precisely the concentration of many trace elements and their isotopes in rocks. These data provide the cornerstone for geochemical models of the Earth and terrestrial planets. However, our understanding of how trace elements behave ...
Using experimentally determined growth front profiles, the fractal dimensions D F p and D F a of the faces are evaluated to be 1.1–1.4. These values indicate that the surfaces studied have a fractal character and can be investigated using elements of fractal theory....
(Fig.1b). The surfaces of all considered compound layers are usually terminated with group 16 (VIA) or 17 (VIIA) elements, e.g., S, Se, Te, Cl, Br, and I, with the exception of W2N3. These atoms, together with group 15 (VA) elements, are expected to have substantial ...
Although high-entropy materials are excellent candidates for a range of functional materials, their formation traditionally requires high-temperature synthetic procedures of over 1,000 °C and complex processing techniques such as hot rolling1–5. One
Bright globular clusters in NGC聽5128: the missing link between young massive clusters and evolved massive objects Globular clusters are the simplest stellar systems in which structural parameters are found to correlate with their masses and luminosities. To investigate... M.聽Rejkuba,P.聽Dubath,D...
Pauling, “Interpretation of So-called Icosahedral and Decagonal Quasicrystals of Alloys Showing Apparent Icosahedral Symmetry Elements as Twins of an 820-Atom Cubic Crystal.” In I. Hargittai, ed., Symmetry 2: Unifying Human Understanding. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1989, pp. 337–339. Google ...
zeolitenzusammensetzungen and procedures for their production, and their use This invention relates to novel compositions of zeolites or microporous metallosilicatescharacterised by a continuous spatial distribution of the metal and... W Vermeiren,V Buono,JP Dath 被引量: 0发表: 2011年 加载更多研究...
Dislocations are linear defects in crystals and their motion controls crystals’ mechanical behavior. The dissipative nature of dislocation propagation is generally accepted although the specific mechanisms are still not fully understood. The inertia, which is undoubtedly the nature of motion for particles...