ToText(x,y,z) - x is the number, y is the number of decimal places, z is the thousands separator character. Wednesday, July 11, 2007 1:14 PM Also, if you have this field stored as a text field in your database, Crystal will know this, so if you want access to normal number ...
strreverse(totext(tonumber(strreverse(split(totext(x,6),'.')[2])),'#')); //This takes into account upto 6 decimal places. -Abhilash KennedyT21 Active Contributor 2016 May 10 0 Kudos Hi Abhi... I will have 3 decimals. but suppose if the value ends with 0 (2560.350 ) then...
CDBL(ToText({table.colname} )+ replicatestring("0", requiredlength-currentlength)) My problem is that it takes fields like Loan Number = '000000000001', which is a string -no decimal, and changes it to a number (" this formula I have assumed tha...
For example, sometimes the values will have to be rounded to 5 decimal places, sometimes two, ... One way to do this in crystal reports is change the number format for the value field in the cross-table. However, this results in a "custom number format" as opposed to the "sys...
Shared.CrystalReportsException: Could not load C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\Common\2.8\bin\crpe32.dll. CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\Users\Prabhjot\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\vs\3be05a37\52eac4d8\App_Code.dbnjhdxk.dll' -- 'Could not execute ...
text contents of the CIF files. During training, the model is given a sequence of tokens from the corpus of CIF files, and is tasked with predicting the tokens which follow each of the given tokens. Once the model is trained, it can be used to generate new CIF files, conditioned on ...
(networking) OpenSSL 3.x reports unexpected EOF as SSL error (#14219, thanks @ysbaddaden) (numeric) Make equality between Complex and other numbers exact (#14309, thanks @HertzDevil) (numeric) Fix #hash for the Big* number types (#14308, thanks @HertzDevil) (runtime) Do not allocate ...
Archived Forums C-D > Crystal Reports for Visual Studio (Retired) Dear All, I have Exported One Report to Excel From My code With all formatted Text & Decimal Format (3 Places . 3000.000) , With out the Excel DLL, Now The Problem is that When ... Answered | 3 Replies | 12867 Vie...
You can then use Crystal Reports to format that data and present the information in an easy-to-understand layout. Crystal Reports Implementation Crystal Reports implementation can be divided into the following phases: • Install Crystal Reports. • Create and save queries in PeopleSoft Query. ...
wrong decimal places. Example : One World contains 2 numbers - 4.00 and 16.5 The Result under Crystal Reports will be 4.00 and 165.00 The IBM ODBC Driver provides the correct numbers under Crystal Reports. However this is not an alternative. Does anybody know a solution for this Problem ? Th...