I have created a bundle for my project that checks for Crystal Reports and will install it if it doesn't exist. My issue is I need to uninstall the old Crystal Reports if it exists first. Say the user has Crystal Reports v13.0.10 and we need to upgrade them to v13.0.31. SAP ...
1. 使用"CrystalToAR2005"工具转换Crystal Reports 2005报表。 2. 使用"CrystalToAR2008"工具转换Cryst...
This is the same "bit-ness" as the application and reports from either version of Crystal should work because the internal structure is basically the same. It looks like your ERP system is using version 12 of the runtime, which is very old and uses .NET 2. You cannot just upgrade the ...
Because of the vulnerability in the older versions of crystal we are trying to upgrade to 2020, our ERP system will now not print any of our crystal reports. Old version 2013 new 2020, can anyone help please. Error below Error:The report creation failed.*** Error [1/4/2022 3:59:43 ...
<assemblyIdentityname="CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine"publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304"culture="neutral"/> <bindingRedirectoldVersion="13.0.2000.0"newVersion="13.0.3500.0"/> </dependentAssembly> <dependentAssembly><assemblyIdentityname="CrystalDecisions.ReportSource"publicKeyToken="692fbea5521e1304"cultu...
I have an old version of crystal reports (8.5 crystal decisions). I would like to upgrade to the current version (2013 or higher). Can I purchase the upgrade version or is my software too old to upgrade? Do I need to purchase a new full version? Thank you.Know...
Good afternoon,I have code that I am looking to convert. Essentially it is old RDC code where we take a Crystal Report and then, using logic, add subreports either into existing sections or as new detail sections. With each report, we set parameters, database connections, field information...
In general, upgrading Crystal Reports components provides you with a side-by-side installation (that is, an installation in which you can run either your old or new version of Crystal Reports). Note: Crystal Reports 2008 SP1 side-by-side installation is supported when upgrading from Crystal ...
Among 12- to 24-year-old YMSM across eight cities, methamphetamine users were observed to have higher rates of unprotected sex, higher likelihood of having a history of STIs, and higher number of sex partners in the 90 days prior to assessment as compared with those who did not use ...
Crystal Reports 2008 FP 6.2 Update can not be installed because the product version in the system is it fairly old? (Translation from portuguese to english) I appreciate some help. Thanks. former_member183750 Active Contributor 2013 Oct 24 0 Kudos Apologies, my bad. That link is to...