I tried this out on Monday and actually got one it work using an ISNULL formula for one parameter and a HasValue for another all combined in an IF function. I overwrote it (silly me) since it only worked with one parameter and not with the other. Both parameters were then defined as ...
I have the following formula, but if any of the fields are null then nothing is displayed. I tried using Coalesce, but got a formula error. Can you use Coalesce in crystal or do I need to do it another way ? {tblLEG_Civil.Civ_Title} + ' ' + {tblLEG_Civil.Civ_Firstnames}+' ...
获取月份的周数Crystal Reports公式 获取月份的周数是指根据给定的日期,计算出该日期所在月份的周数。Crystal Reports是一款强大的报表生成工具,可以用于生成各种类型的报表。 在Crystal Reports中,可以使用公式来获取月份的周数。下面是一个示例公式: 代码语言:txt 复制 // 获取月份的周数 DateVar startDate := Dat...
SimpleReportFormatField Demo(Group)ChangeGroupOptions FormulaEditor FieldsFunctionsOperators編輯區域使用。Variable Scope ➢Local➢Global➢Shared Declaration (不用死記,用點選的即可)語法 CyrstalSyntaxBasicSyntax Demo ifIsNull({CustCompany.OraName})or{CustCompany.OraName}=""then({CustCompany.FullName}...
IsNull function If IsNull({Customer.Region}) Then "" Else ", " + {Customer.Region} The IsNull function is critical if you may encounter null values in database fields that you include in your formulas. By design, a Crystal Reports formula will return a null value if any part of the...
1、字段抽取 字段抽取,是根据已知列数据的开始和结束位置,抽取出新的列 字段截取函数:substr(x,...
FormulaEditor Fields Functions Operators 編輯區域使用。 Variable Scope Local Global Shared Declaration (不用死記,用點選的即可) 語法 CyrstalSyntax BasicSyntax Demo ifIsNull({CustCompany.OraName})or{CustCompany.OraName}=""then( {CustCompany.FullName};)else( {CustCompany.FullName} ...
if not isnull({table.benefit}) then x := x + totext({table.count},0,"")+" "+{table.benefit}+" Valued at $"+totext({table.value},2)+", "; Insert a group on the donor field, and then add a reset formula to the group header: whileprintingrecords; stringvar x := ""; In...
This is then used in a formula to display the total value of the number of barcodes. That formula is named @Test and is this: If Isnull({hetype.Replacement}) then 0 else {hetype.Replacement}*{#TotalBarcodeType} From that, I then have a running total calculation to give me subtotal...