在Group Footer 做求和操作:Insert Summary->选择字段, Summary(Sum, Avg, Max, Min...有多种计算)。 计算单条记录Total:Formular Fileds->New->Edit defination on Formular Editor. 计算每一分组的求和总值: 在Group 区域Insert Summary-> 选择Total ->完成。 计算Grand Total: 在Report Footer 区域 Insert ...
Crystal Report是一款强大的报表生成工具,用于创建和设计各种类型的报表。在Crystal Report中,对于列求和时,当列的值为空时,可以通过设置一个条件来将空值转换为0,然后再进行求和操作。 具体步骤如下: 打开Crystal Report设计界面,选择要进行求和的列。 右键单击该列,选择“编辑汇总”选项。
Calculation 设置为sum reset type为report Reset group 选择自己创建的分组。 increment type 为Grou...
· 选择Symbol并且点击向右的箭头来把它移动到“Group By”面板上。 · 点击Finish。 六、 练习4:把你的水晶报表绑定到Crystal Report Viewer 说明 在这个练习中,你将把Stock对象报告绑定到Crystal Report Viewer,把报告的数据源设置为一个对象集合,并且用编程方式来填充一个对象集合。 详细步骤 1. 把报告绑定到Cr...
个人认为,Crystal Report的分组报表的功能非常强大,内置了功能强大的根据字段分组的功能,这个功能非常好用,如果仅仅用SQL 语句的Group BY 有些功能是不能实现的。比如如下SQL 语句:SELECT DateName(mm, LeaseStartTime) AS [Month], sum(datediff(hh,LeaseStartTime,LeaseEndTime)) AS [Hour] FROM...
I placed the RT on the Group, but I wasn't getting the correct results.IP Loggedkostya1122 Senior Member Joined: 13 Jun 2011 Online Status: Offline Posts: 475 Posted: 21 Nov 2011 at 6:44am try sum not count IP LoggedMemoli28 Groupie Joined: 10 Apr 2009 Online Status: Offline Posts...
So, preview the report and click on each number that you want to use in your formula. In the lower left of your screen it will tell you what that object is. It will say something like: Field {table.field} Field {@field} Field Sum of {table.field} Tell us what each says. Ken ...
I have a report that groups by the first letter of the customer last name. Ideally, I would like to have 26 groups (A - Z). I use have a count and sum for each group. However, if I don't have any customers with a last name that starts with the letter "Q" (for example), ...
Groups values in the Amount field by month, and calculates the sum of the values for each month group as a percentage of the sum of the values for the entire report. Sum([{file.AMOUNT}, {file.PRICE}, {file.COST}]) Sum of values in the Amount, Price, and Cost fields. ...
Solved: Hi experts i made the following query SELECT T3.DocNum, T4.ItemCode, sum(T3.[PlannedQty]) as 'Print Qty' , sum(T4.PlannedQty) as 'Plan Qty', T0.[u_Dname] as