it will display a zero on your report if the order was placed and shipped on the same day. Therefore, you would write the following If-Then-Else formula to show the words Same Day on the
SimpleReport FormatField Demo(Group) ChangeGroupOptions FormulaEditor Fields Functions Operators 編輯區域使用。 Variable Scope Local Global Shared Declaration (不用死記,用點選的即可) 語法 CyrstalSyntax BasicSyntax Demo ifIsNull({CustCompany.OraName})or{CustCompany.OraName}=""then( {CustCompany.Full...
Crystal Reports 是一款广泛使用的报表工具,它允许开发者通过选择公式来控制报表中显示的数据。如果你在使用 Crystal Report Selection Formula 时遇到只显示一行的问题,这通常是由于选择公式设置不当导致的。 基础概念 选择公式(Selection Formula)是 Crystal Reports 中的一个功能,它允许你定义哪些记录应该被包含在报表中...
if isnull(filed3) then filed4 else filed3 Monday, February 25, 2008 9:49 PM ngadde dude, can I see your formula, so I can help you out. Have you try to do some suppressing in "Section Expert", try to check "Suppress Blank Section", to go to there right click on the details ...
顺便说一下,这是Visual Studio 2003中的Crystal Reports 9dim val as stringif {table.uom_id} = 5 then else va 浏览0提问于2008-11-20得票数 13 回答已采纳 1回答 为什么RecordSelectionFormula突然拒绝了我的公式? 、、 我有一个使用Crystal Reports XI的VB6应用程序。我已经检查过那个公式了。它在水晶报...
NavController'. If the controller doesn't have a controller factory, ensure that it has a parameterless public constructor. An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in App_Web_nw441...
The issue is there are some number fields coming from Back-End SP and when I export it into excel the columns are shifting when it is Null. The issue is resolved by handling null by below formula but the field is converting to string . if isnull ( {field name }) then " " else {...
C# check username if already exists from database C# Class - USB Port Enabled/Disabled Status Detection C# class for JSON is resulting a Null Reference Exception C# code to add and retrieve user photos from active directory C# code to convert an array to DataTable c# code to convert txt to...
THEN sdir:= "" else sdir:= {Street.Direction}; IF isnull({Street.Name}) or TRIM({Street.Name})="" THEN sname:= "" else sname:= {Street.Name}; IF isnull({Street.Type}) or TRIM({Street.Type})="" THEN stype:= "" else stype:= {Street.Type}; snum + " " + sdir ...
This would probably be handled better in the {@est_hrs_per_task} formula, but it would look very similar to how you would handle it in this formula: whileprintingrecords; Numbervar X; Numbervar Y; if isnull({@est_hrs_per_task}) then Y := 0 else Y := {@est_hrs_per_task}; ...