Crystal Reports是一款常用的商业报表生成工具,支持在报表中使用公式来实现复杂的计算和逻辑判断。在公式中,if then语句被广泛应用于根据条件来决定输出的结果。 在Crystal Reports中,if then语句的语法如下: if condition then statement else statement end if ...
If condition1 Then '执行代码块1 ElseIf condition2 Then '执行代码块2 ElseIf condition3 Then '执行代码块3 ... Else '执行默认代码块 End If 在这个语法中,condition1、condition2、condition3等是条件表达式,可以是任何返回布尔值的表达式。根据条件表达式的结果,程序会依次判断条件,并执行对应的代码块。如果...
除了可以将公式插入到报表中外,还可以在选择记录(Record)和组(Group)时使用公式。比如选择菜单Report|Edit Selection Formula|Record项,然后输入公式:{file.price} < 100则只打印满足上条件的所有记录的报表。二、Crystal Reports公式语法Crystal Reports公式的语法比较简单,但支持的操作符和函数非常多。在公式中可以使用...
Crystal Report Basic Runtime for Visual Studio 2008 Crystal Report Error Load report failed and Invalid report file path Crystal report is not Showing after publish.. crystal report showing blank in browser on server Crystal report viewer and export button doesn't work CS0016: Could not write to...
I have one field in a dataset which has a multi-line textbox value. I want to split that record, store it into an array, and when I fetch the value from the array by a for-loop, I want to prepend a "*" to each line. I have written a formula for that but ...
report title using parameter fields...619 Specifying single or ranges of values...620 Incorporating a parameter into a formula...621 Defining sort order using parameter fields...622 Defining entry type and format using the Edit Mask...
Crystal Reports - If Then Else - The if-then-Else statement is the most basic of all the control flow statements. It tells your program to execute a certain section of code only if a particular condition meets true.
1 for course ABC : if field Course=ABC then field course completed else '' 1 for course DEF : if field Course=DEF then field course completed else '' and put a summary in your group header : maximum of formula ABC and one for maximum of formula DEF. ...
So I have a field calculate field on my report. The formula should return a DateTime value based on some values. Below is the formula DateTime (DateValue(ifabs(DayOfWeek({vw_prfma_proforma.Dock_Date}) -{vw_prfma_proforma.p_dock_no}) <4then ...
Crystal Report是一种强大的报表生成工具,Selection Formula是其中的一个功能。它允许用户根据特定的条件筛选数据,并只显示符合条件的数据行。 Selection Formula可以通过使用Crystal Report的公式语言来创建。用户可以根据自己的需求编写公式,以选择需要显示的数据行。公式可以包含各种条件和逻辑运算符,以便精确地筛选数据...