在Crystal中,要将十六进制字符串转换为int,可以使用String.to_i方法,并指定进制为16。这个方法将会解析字符串中的字符,并将其转换为对应的整数值。下面是一个示例代码: 代码语言:crystal 复制 hex_string = "1A" decimal_number = hex_string.to_i(16) puts decimal_number 在上面的代码中,我们将十六进制字符...
Convert string to decimal convert string to decimal in vb .net convert string to system.iformatprovider in date conversion Convert System.IO.Stream to DataTable? convert Textbox dd/MM/yyyy to format yyyy/MM/dd? convert textbox value into time Convert the time from 24 Hrs format to AM/PM...
discreteVal6.Value = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();string Amount = (Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows...
discreteVal6.Value = dt.Rows[0]["name"].ToString();string Amount = (Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["PRC"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["VOL"].ToString())).ToString();decimal AmountN = 0;discreteVal8.Value = PublicClass.ConvertToCn(Amount,out AmountN);discr...
0 Kalyani Shevale 0 3.2k 707.7k Sep 28 2018 2:26 AM https://stackoverflow.com/questions/869702/number-to-string-in-a-formula-field https://www.itsupportguides.com/knowledge-base/crystal-reports/crystal-reports-how-to-convert-number-to-text-without-formatting-no-commas-and-decimal/Export...
convert string to datatable convert string to smallint convert string to web link Convert total minutes into hours and minutes using VB.Net convert txt file to csv in C# convert type 'system.collections.generic.list ' to 'system.data.dataset' convert unit.pixel to integer? Convert Web Form ...
by testing the strings validity before converting it. TheIsDate()andIsNumber()functions do this for you. They returnTrueif the string can be properly converted. If not, they returnFalse. For example, here is a function that converts a string to a date, but only if it is a valid date...
dr["UNITPRICE"] = Helper.Formater.FormateCurrency(OrderProvider.ComputeComponentCustomerPrice(Convert.ToDecimal(accessaryItem[i]["Price"].ToString()),int.Parse(accessaryItem[i]["Count"].ToString()), Convert.ToDecimal(accessaryItem[i]["HandWorkPrice"].ToString())); dr...
(numeric) Avoid double rounding in Float#format for nonnegative decimal_place (#14129, thanks @HertzDevil) (runtime) Avoid @[ThreadLocal] on Android (#14025, thanks @HertzDevil) (runtime) Never use string interpolation in Crystal::System.print_error (#14114, thanks @HertzDevil) (runtime...
We can only COUNT the formula field because it returns a string. I can not let it return a number because then I once again lose the rounding capabilities. So really what would solve my problem is to be able to modify the summarization to be ToText(Sum(MyFi eld), 4) (4 decim...