Completed in 2021 in Vietnam. Images by Hiroyuki Oki. Established in 2004, Crystal Martin is a subsidiary of Crystal International Group; the second-largest textile corporation in Hong Kong. Crystal...
• Martin/Williams• BI Worldwide• Thomson West (Reuters)• Campbell Mithun• Allina Media Services• and other ad agencies and design studios People who knew my work occasionally asked me for help with résumés. When they saw the results, they always told me I should make a speci...
Slip occurs along a certain specific crystallographic planes in organic crystals, as they have limited number of slip planes compared with atomic solids due to steric interference imposed by various functional groups; indentation is one of the processes to activate these slip planes that could be ...
Above the critical interaction strength, the Fermi sea becomes highly anisotropic and occupies a limited sector of the ring minimum of the Floquet bands, see Figs. 1 and 2. Due to pseudospin-momentum locking, the Fermi sea in the symmetry broken phase exhibits a finite magnetization that ...
F. F., Tisborn, K., Biondo, J., Martin, L., & Beelmann, A. (2019). Effects of dance movement therapy and dance on health-related psychological outcomes. A meta-analysis update. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. https:// Koch, S. C....
Mapping grain orientation in crystalline solids is essential to investigate the relationships between local microstructure and crystallography and interpret materials properties. One of the main techniques used to perform these studies is electron backsc
Gates provided general guidance to the design and experiments and Martin. D. B. Charlton provided the general concept and guidance to the design and experiments. All authors contributed to the results discussion and manuscript writing. Additional Information Supplementary information accompanies this ...
However, BPs still present a number of technical issues that prevent their use in practical applications: their phases are only found in limited temperature ranges, thus requiring stabilization of the layers; stabilized BP layers are inhomogeneous and not uniformly oriented, which worsen the optical ...
An efficient semi-organic nonlinear optical bis (4-acetylanilinium) tetrachloridozincate [(C8H10NO)2 ZnCl4] (B4ATCZ) single crystal was synthesized and suc
Martin, R. M. Electronic Structure: Basic Theory and Practical Methods (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Gilmer, J., Schoenholz, S. S., Riley, P. F., Vinyals, O. & Dahl, G. E. Neural message passing for quantum chemistry. In International conference on machine learning. 1263–1272 ...